U.S. Department of Justice

2012 Reentry Skills Building Handbook

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jun. 25, 2012

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: While the local services are Georgia based, the bulk of this handbook is contains a wealth of excellent information and resources that will help an ex-offender make a successful transition back into the community. Forms and checklists for the released individual to fill out are spread throughout this guide and make the reentry process less intimidating. Not only giving the ex-offender direction, this handbook can be used by the community corrections practitioner in making sure the reentry process is effective for the ex-offender. Chapters following an introduction about getting organized cover identification, housing, employment, careers, work ethics, transportation, money management, education, applying for social security, health and life skills, mental health, alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and recovery, family and friend relationships, child support, and living under supervision.

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