February 14, 2012: Chapter 30, Section 60 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual on HHABN policy and issuance has been revised.

Change Request (CR) 7323 implements revised section instructions for the Home Health Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (HHABN), Form CMS-R-296.  Ch. 30, Section 60 was edited to simplify the presentation of existing HHABN information. There have been no substantive changes to the policy, and there are no changes to the HHABN with the release of these revised instructions.  Effective February 3, 2012, the revised section, as published in CR 7323, replaces the previously published version in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual (CR 5009 published August 11, 2006 and listed below as "CMS Manual HHABN Instructions"). CR 7323 and HHABN notices are posted below under "Downloads."  

December 6, 2010: REVISED HHABN, FORM CMS-R-296, posted for download. Mandatory use date: April 1, 2011.

The revised Home Health Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (HHABN), Form CMS-R-296, is now available, and Home Health Agencies (HHAs) may begin using this notice immediately.

In order for HHAs to have time to transition to using the newly posted notice, mandatory use of the revised HHABN begins on April 1, 2011. All HHABNs with the expiration date of 08/31/09 that are issued on and after April 1, 2011 will be considered invalid.

The OMB-approved HHABN notices and instructions are posted below under "Downloads."