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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health

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MCH Programs Overview

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In addition to the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant and the MCH Research and MCH Training programs highlighted elsewhere on this website, MCHB carries out its work through an array of grant programs and initiatives authorized under the Title V legislation (Special Projects of Regional and National Significance—SPRANS and Community Integrated Service Systems—CISS) or by other categorical legislation (examples: Healthy Start; Emergency Medical Systems for Children).

One way of categorizing MCHB programs and initiatives is by the primary focus of a particular program—at the level of individuals and families, the community, or at the state level. In addition, MCHB leads cross-cutting programs and initiatives that support innovative solutions to improve maternal and child health and the quality of health services for the MCH population.

Maternal and Child Health Pyramid of Health Services

Direct Health Care Services (gap filling) Basic health services and health services for Children with Special Health care Needs (CSHCN)Enabling Services: Transportation, translations, outreach, respite care, health education, family support services, purchase of health insurance, case management coordination with Medicaid, WIC and Education.Population-Based Services: Newborn screening, lead screening, immunization, sudden infant death syndrome counseling, oral health, injury prevention, nutrition, amd outreach/public education.Infrastructure-Building Services: Needs assessment, evaluation, planning, policy development, coordination, quality assurance, standards development, monitoring, training, applied research, systems of care and information systems.

The conceptual framework for the services of the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant is envisioned as a pyramid with four tiers of services and levels of funding that provide comprehensive services for mothers and children. The pyramid also displays the uniqueness of the MCH Block Grant, which is the only Federal program that consistently provides services at all levels of the pyramid.