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Take Care of Your Child’s Teeth 


Take Action!

These steps will help you take good care of your child’s teeth.

Start with the first tooth.
As soon as your baby’s teeth come in, clean them regularly with a clean cloth or a soft children’s toothbrush. Clean them after feeding, especially right before bedtime.

Teach your child to brush 2 times a day.
Around age 4 or 5, kids can start to brush their own teeth. Watch to make sure your kids brush all their teeth and use only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Remind your kids not to swallow the toothpaste.

Make it fun.
Getting kids to brush their teeth can be hard. Here are some ideas that may help.

  • Let your child choose a toothbrush in a favorite color or with a character from a TV show or movie. Just make sure it’s the right size for your child’s mouth.
  • Make a checklist and have your child add a sticker after each brushing.
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