OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Current Section  Reports & Resources

Publications and Products

OSERS, through its many programs, projects and activities, develops a wide range of information products, publications and data resources.

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Current OSERS Publications and Products:

  • Disability Employment 101

    • Disability Employment 101 booklet. This guide is a comprehensive analysis of hiring employees with disabilities that includes information about how to find qualified workers with disabilities, how to put disability and employment research into practice and how to model what other businesses have done to successfully integrate individuals with disabilities into the workforce.

    • Disability Employment 101 For Your Business brochure. This brochure targets small- and medium-sized businesses that may or may not have thought of increasing their hiring pool by hiring employees with disabilities and serves as a companion to the Disability Employment 101 booklet.
  • Learning Opportunities for Your Child Through Alternate Assessments
    This booklet introduces parents to the ''big ideas'' contained in school improvement efforts under IDEA and provides them with the information they need to help ensure that their children can benefit from these efforts.  
  • Opening Doors: Technology and Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss
    Parents of children with hearing loss can find helpful information and resources in a publication produced for OSERS by the Academy for Educational Development (AED). Opening Doors: Technology and Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss provides background on early intervention, the use of technology and other support available to children and their families.
  • Reuse Your AT
    For many people with disabilities, assistive technology (AT) is an essential support to daily living. A person may depend on a wheelchair, walker, special computer keyboard, speech generating device or other AT device at home, at school or at work. Over many years, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) has supported research in assistive technology, as well as making AT more available to people with disabilities.

  • Thirty-five Years of Progress in Educating Children With Disabilities Through IDEA
    At the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in Nov. 2010, together with subsequent amendments as currently reflected in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA,) significant national progress has been made in ensuring the civil rights and providing equal access to education for all children with disabilities.
  • Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students With Disabilities
    The Tool Kit provides up-to-date guidance on designing and implementing high-quality assessments for students with disabilities. Also included is a set of technical assistance products that offer practical, research-based approaches to the challenges schools are facing in the areas of assessment, instruction, behavioral interventions, and use of accommodations for students with disabilities. In addition, you will find information about research now under way to further expand our knowledge about how best to support teaching, learning, and assessing. 
  • Transition Activities in OSERS download files MS Word (4MB) | PDF (585KB)
    Over the last four decades, the transition of youths with disabilities from school to productive adulthood has received high priority from OSERS. Transition Activities in OSERS describes past, present and upcoming OSERS transition activities, such as projects supporting youths with disabilities served by state agencies, written products offering technical assistance and OSERS-sponsored conferences facilitating the exchange of information among transition partners. It is intended to be used as a working document to broaden awareness of OSERS transition activities and includes link offering more detailed information whenever possible.
    • 2011 Transition Data Fact Sheet download files MS Word (155KB) | PDF (324KB)
      The 2011 Transition Data Fact Sheet is a quick reference to help inform OSERS staff and the public about critical data areas related to the transition of youths with disabilities from school activities to post-school activities. It is organized into three areas of emphasis:

      1. transition services;
      2. post-school outcomes; and
      3. OSERS investment in transition–related research, special education and VR services.

    The Transition Data Fact Sheet is intended to be used as a reference tool; however, it should not be treated as a comprehensive document.

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Additional OSERS Publications and Products:

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The U.S. Department of Education publishes a wealth of information for teachers, administrators, policymakers, researchers, parents, students and others with a stake in education.

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Last Modified: 05/23/2012