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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Clean Water Project for Three States to Create or Save 600 Jobs, Company Says
Water Treatment Plant Construction in South Dakota

Construction of a new water treatment plant in South Dakota.


A new water treatment plant -- delivering up to 46.4 million gallons of water per day through 320 miles of new pipes to 300,000 people -- is being largely underwritten by a $56.5 million Recovery Act grant.  The grant, awarded to Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, is for Phase II construction of a new plant near Vermillion, South Dakota. (Phase I, funded by a mix of federal, state, and local monies, will build the underground reservoir necessary for the plant.) The completed plant will provide residents of southeast South Dakota, northwest Iowa, and southwest Minnesota with a needed additional source of clean drinking water.

Foley Company, established in 1913 in Kansas City, Missouri, and employing 250 people, will perform the Phase II work, which is expected to create/save approximately 600 construction-industry jobs over the nearly three-year life of the project, according to Lewis & Clark. The contract with Foley totals $64.1 million – $56.5 million from the Recovery Act grant and $7.6 million from community sources in the region served by the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System.  The contract was awarded on May 29, 2009 and Phase II is expected to be completed by March 2012.

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