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Benefits of Direct Mail


Image of button with the words Mailing to Win: Election 2012.The 2012 election is shaping up to be the most challenging year yet for political campaigns across the country. The battles are heated. The marketing spend is high. And the media chatter is loud and constant. How can you communicate to voters about your candidate or proposal over all the noise? The answer: mail.

In 2010, 1.8 billion political mailpieces were sent – at an average of less than 19 cents per piece in postage. In 2012, political mail will play just as big a role. Why? Because it brings advantages that few other marketing channels can match…

  • Mail is best at targeting specific voters and telling a deeper story.
  • Nearly all maipieces are at least viewed.
  • Mailpieces can be saved for future reference and shared with like-minded voters.

A political campaign is like a business in that it is striving to win over as much of its voter “market” as it can with limited resources. Direct Mail offers 6 key factors to help you. Mail is…

Targeted. Target voters by variables such as household income, gender, and geographic location. And focus your media dollars on the people most likely to be influenced by your message.

Measurable. Track responses to fundraising solicitations and surveys and learn what works and what doesn’t. Then, apply that knowledge to future mailings to continuously improve your response rate.

Tangible. People can hold mail, spend time with it, and save it. Many people prefer mailings while filling out their absentee ballots.

Powerful. Create powerful mailpieces with personalized messaging and graphics. Or include an interactive device, such as a QR Code®, SnapTag™, or PURLs to drive voters to your website.

Flexible. Unlimited formats are available to meet any budget, deadline, or objective.

Cost-effective. Mail concentrates on a specific target, and the format can be as inexpensive as a postcard. 

Learn more about using Direct Mail for your political mailings.
The Power of Direct Mail ›
Direct Mail Supports Other Media ›
Direct Mail & Technology ›
How Direct Mail Can Help ›

Learn more about Political Mail and how to plan and prepare your mailing.
Political Mail Overview ›
Creating Political Mail ›

Election Mail. Your mailbox can be a ballot box. Image of a locked ballot box.