Health and Nutrition Information for Educators

Health and Nutrition Information for Educators

The following materials were designed specifically for children aged 6 to 11.

Blast Off Game

An interactive computer game where kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. "Fuel" tanks for each food group help students keep track of their food choices. This game was designed specifically for children aged 6 to 11.

Kids Coloring Pages
Color YOUR plate to show what you eat, or to show what you should eat. Option 1, Option 2

Ten Tips for kids and parents

More materials for kids and parents with kids can be found on the Team Nutrition website.

Archived MyPyramid Materials

Kids Poster
A 2-sided poster for kids. One side of the poster, for younger children, highlights a simplified kids graphic. The other side, for advanced elementary students, features both the kids graphic and healthy eating and physical activity messages.

Tips for Families
A 2-sided kids mini-poster with the kids graphic on one side and eating and physical activity tips on the other side.

A Close Look
A step-by-step explanation of the key concepts of the kids symbol.

Kids Coloring Page
Black and white line art of the kids symbol for kids to color.

Kids Worksheet
Worksheet to help kids track how their food choices match up to dietary recommendations. Print out this helpful meal tracking worksheet and set a food and activity goal for tomorrow.

Classroom Materials
More kids materials for classroom use can be found on the Team Nutrition website. Click here to visit the USDA Team Nutrition site.