How to Search

The Free Search allows you to search for a combination of words, a name, or a number or letter sequence in the transcriptions of documents.

In the Guided Search, use the drop-down menus to browse and select a Personal Name, Place Name, Key Term, Type of Document, Notary, or Year. You may refine your search by combining any of these fields. The search parameters you select from the drop-down menus will connect you to all related documents. You will find summaries, transcriptions, and digitized images of the original documents. Search results for artists also include bibliography and related images from the National Gallery of Art.

The Personal Name list includes participants in the Accademia di San Luca, witnesses of transactions, and others. Preferred spellings of names appear in boldface type, followed by vernacular and Latin variants.

The Place Name list includes churches, districts, and neighborhoods within Rome; outside Rome it provides the names of cities, countries, and regions.

The Key Term list includes offices, titles, professions, and technical and legal vocabulary in the documents.

The Type of Document list provides short descriptive terms that reflects the legal or transactional nature of individual documents.

The Notary list includes the names of all notaries who witnessed and recorded the meetings and transactions of the Accademia.

The terms "Accademia," "Collegio," "Confraternita," "Congregazione," "Società," and occasionally "Università," followed in full form by "di San Luca," "dei Pittori," or "dei Pittori e Scultori," were all used to refer to the Accademia in its early years. These terms often appear interchangeably in the documents, generally in their Latinized equivalents. The summaries use the Italian terms, following as closely as possible the language found in the documents.

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