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Director’s Council of Public Representatives (COPR)

Interested in Applying?

NIH is not accepting new applications for COPR membership at this time. Information regarding future applications will be posted here when available. The COPR is designed, based on Institute of Medicine recommendations, to (1) obtain the broadest public input to the NIH Director on matters of public importance concerning biomedical research, research training, and the development and dissemination of science and health information to the public and (2) conduct the broadest outreach to increase the public's understanding of the NIH and its biomedical research programs.

The COPR consists of individuals with diverse backgrounds, from local, regional, and national levels, with a range of professions and experiences, including but not limited to community leaders, patient advocates, health educators, media, medical and public health professionals, science administrators, and academicians who have a broad public perspective.

NIH seeks candidates who will:

  • Provide the NIH with public-oriented viewpoints and perspectives.
  • Identify how the NIH might broaden its base of public input.
  • Provide a sounding board for major issues faced by the NIH.
  • Increase public awareness of outreach activities.

To be considered for the COPR, candidates should have a strong interest in and some familiarity with the NIH as a leading federal resource for research funding and training, clinical studies, and health information and must be in a position to communicate regularly with the broader public about COPR and NIH activities. Nominees must also be willing to fully participate in biannual COPR meetings, regular conference calls, and working group activities throughout the year.

This page last reviewed on August 9, 2012

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