Child & Family Services Reviews

Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs) monitor states’ child welfare systems.
Our primary goals are to:

  1. Ensure conformity with federal child welfare requirements
  2. Determine what is actually happening to children and families engaged in child welfare services
  3. Assist states in helping children and families achieve positive outcomes

Each CFSR is a two-stage process consisting of a Statewide Assessment and an onsite review of child and family service outcomes and program systems. After completing a CFSR, states develop and implement a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) to address child welfare areas needing improvement.

Specific CFSR information for states and reviewers, such as scheduling and forms, may be found on our factsheets. In addition, we highlight promising approaches to child welfare regarding areas of common concern to CFSRs.

Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Outcomes

CB provides final reports for all states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for both rounds of CFSRs. Other available reports include Statewide Assessments, Key Findings, and PIPs. All can be found in our database.