Specialty MAC Jurisdictions

 Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

During the initial implementation phase (2005-2011), CMS awarded contracts for four specialty MACs servicing durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers. The jurisdictions of the four DME MACs will overlay the boundaries of the 15 A/B MAC jurisdictions (see DME MAC Jurisdiction Map below).

Home, Health & Hospice (HH&H)

CMS will integrate the four existing HH&H workloads into four A/B MAC contracts.  In fact, one of the four HH&H workloads is already being processed by an A/B MAC.  A/B MAC Jurisdiction 14 is currently servicing HH&H workload region A.  As part of CMS' strategy for upcoming MAC procurements, A/B MAC Jurisdiction 14 will be combined with A/B MAC Jurisdiction 13 to create A/B MAC Jurisdiction K.  (See the “Spotlight” link to the left for further information the CMS consolidation strategy.)

Other planned consolidations include:

•        A/B MAC Jurisdictions 5 and 6 to form A/B MAC Jurisdiction G which will service HH&H workload region D; and

•        A/B MAC Jurisdictions 8 and 15 to form A/B MAC Jurisdiction I which will service HH&H workload region B

The exact timing for each consolidation may be adjusted based on programmatic and contractual issues.  The benefits of consolidation are increased efficiency and effectiveness of Medicare claims operations and of CMS's internal MAC procurement and contract administration processes.

Note:  A/B MAC Jurisdiction 11 will not be further consolidated.  The A/B MAC Jurisdiction 11 (Palmetto GBA) will service HH&H workload region C.

Maps of the jurisdictions are available below, as are fact sheets for each jurisdiction.