Series HH/H Savings Bonds Rates & Terms

The U.S. Treasury no longer issues HH/H Bonds, but the HH bonds you already own are secure. You can find out about the rates and terms that apply to your bonds on this page.

  • HH Bonds are current income bonds.
  • HH Bonds earn interest every six months.
  • Interest on HH Bonds is subject to change at the start of extended maturity, 10 years from issue.
  • H Bonds were the predecessor to the HH Bonds.

When HH/H Bonds Pay Interest

The following table shows the interest payment dates for HH and H Bonds.

If the issue month of a bond is... then INTEREST is paid...
January or July January 1 and July 1
February or August February 1 and August 1
March or September March 1 and September 1
April or October April 1 and October 1
May or November May 1 and November 1
June or December June 1 and December 1

HH/H Bond Interest Rates and Payment Amounts

Interest on HH/H Bonds is paid at a fixed rate set on the day you bought the bond. When you purchased an HH Bond, you locked in this rate for the first 10 years. Interest rates are reset on the 10th anniversary of the HH Bond's issue date (10th and 20th for H Bonds). These are the interest rates for HH/H Bonds:

  • Bonds issued January 1, 2003 through August 2004 earn 1.5 percent interest for their initial 10-year maturity period.
  • Bonds entering an extended maturity period January 2003 or later earn interest at 1.5% each year.
  • Bonds issued March 1993 through December 2002 earn interest at 4% each year until they enter extended maturity after the first 10 years. After that, they start earning interest at 1.5% each year.

The following table shows the amount of interest due each six months, based on denomination and the rate. Form PD F 3782 also shows the interest payments for HH/H Bonds by issue date.

If the denomination is... AND the interest rate is... THEN the interest payment is...
$500 4%
$1,000 4%
$5,000 4%
$10,000 4%

When HH/H Bonds Stop Earning Interest

HH/H Bonds earn interest for different lengths of time depending on the series of the bonds, and in some cases, when the bond was issued.

  • H Bonds issued June 1952 through January 1957 had an original maturity period of 9 years, 8 months.
  • Series H Bonds issued February 1957 through December 1979 had an original maturity period of 10 years.
  • Series HH Bonds issued January 1980 through August 2004 had an original maturity period of 10 years.
  • All H Bonds were given two 10-year extensions and HH Bonds have been given one 10-year extension, during which interest continues to be paid.

This table shows the length of time HH/H Bonds earn interest.

If the series is... ISSUED... THEN the bond earns interest for...
H June 1952 - January 1957 29 years, 8 months
H February 1957 - December 1979 30 years
HH January 1980 - August 2004 20 years