Selected U.S. Government Information Web Sites

Share Government Made Easy in red and blue letters on white background. A red star with blue tail shoots over initials USA is the U.S. Government's official web portal. Find information by topic for citizens, business and non-profit concerns, government employees, and visitors to the U.S. - Your Path to Government Benefits Find State and Federal government benefit programs you may be eligible to receive. Find Federal benefits by life event, most popular benefits, or by category, or get a list of benefits available in each State.
Date: 05/22/2009 Description: logo State Dept Photo increases public access to high value, machine-readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.
Date: 11/22/2010 Description: is an award-winning federal Web site that contains disability-related resources on programs, services, laws and regulations to help people with disabilities lead full, independent lives. © is an award-winning federal Web site that contains disability-related resources on programs, services, laws and regulations to help people with disabilities lead full, independent lives.
Date: 12/31/2008 Location: Washington Description: logo State Dept Photo Where citizens, emergency responders, and government officials can find the latest domestic disaster-related news, information, and resources.
E-Gov in blue letters on white background. Red star to the left and above the letter E. Find out how Federal employees are serving citizens, businesses, and local communities via E-Government. in blue letters on white background with three reddish stylized color slashes to the left is your source to find information on more than 1,000 grant programs. And, by registering once on, your organization can apply for grants from the 26 Federal agencies that annually award more than $400 billion in grants.
Date: 03/04/2009 Description: logo with white stars on blue background, white leaves on green background, and white gears on red background. State Dept Photo features information on how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is working, tools to help citizens hold the government accountable, and up-to-date data on the expenditure of funds. Your voice in Federal decision-making superimposed on part of a U.S. flag. Below Find, view, and comment on regulations and other actions for all Federal agencies.

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