October Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Today, we are more linked, networked, and wired than ever before. Not only do we use the internet to stay connected, informed, and involved, we use it for many routine tasks, like submitting taxes, applying for student loans, and even powering our homes.

For all of its advantages, increased connectivity brings an increased risk of theft, fraud, and abuse. No country, industry, community, or individual is immune to cyber risks. For this reason, OnGuardOnline.gov joins the Department of Homeland Security in announcing National Cyber Security Awareness Month and encouraging everyone to get involved. Throughout the month, our blog will feature tips and updates about NCSAM activities. To stay up-to-date, check back often, or sign up to get email updates.

Throughout NCSAM and beyond, each of us can take some simple steps to help protect our home and business computers, our smartphones, and our tablets from cyber threats: 

  • Set strong passwords, and don’t share them with anyone.
  • Keep your operating system, browser, and other critical software optimized by installing updates.
  • Maintain an open dialogue with your family, friends, and community about internet safety.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you post online, and use privacy settings to avoid sharing information widely.
  • Be skeptical about messages that you receive or read online.

Cyber security is a shared responsibility so it’s important that we learn how we can help protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our country from cybercrimes.


good information anybody would be able to apply to keep their computer connectionsafe

thank you for keeping people safe....

More people outta read these things, since so many people use the internet. Thanks for keeping people informed on how to be safe!

Thank Yoy

This is useful. I used to scare about public information, photo, etc. But i am quite curious of how people get safe through internet. This is great information to help us being safe. Thank you.

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