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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

Advanced Recipient Data Search
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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
58,501 Contracts
217,013 Grants
1,955 Loans
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
588258 048562189 (048562189) 1 Department of Transportation Grants $566,471.33 Vendor
588259 048562189 (048562189) 1 Department of Transportation Grants $338,293.05 Vendor
588260 048562189 (048562189) 1 Department of Transportation Grants $0.00 Vendor
588248 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $23,364.00 Vendor
588249 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $17,880.00 Vendor
588250 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $21,032.00 Vendor
588251 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $26,638.00 Vendor
588252 076370861 (076370861) 5425100033 Department of Education Grants $300.00 Vendor
588253 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $24,428.00 Vendor
588254 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $37,026.00 Vendor
588255 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $4,537.00 Vendor
588256 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $509.00 Vendor
588257 076370861 (076370861) 5000102190 Department of Education Grants $14,868.00 Vendor
588245 078269732 (078269732) 10551001079907 Department of Education Grants $0.00 Vendor
588246 079273625 (079273625) N291036 Department of Transportation Grants $3,607,485.56 Vendor
588247 079273625 (079273625) N291036 Department of Transportation Grants $6,473,170.44 Vendor
588243 122340196 (122340196) OH12S00350109 Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants $200,000.00 Vendor
588244 122771255 (122771255) 5425100033 Department of Education Grants $630.00 Vendor
588241 133486363 (133486363) 5000102205 Department of Education Grants $677.00 Vendor
588242 134030389 (134030389) 5032110671 Department of Education Grants $76.00 Vendor