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DVAM Challenge – Follower Participation

We are amazed by your response to our DVAM challenge. We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping us to raise awareness of domestic violence through your social media. In honor of your contribution, we want to spotlight a few of the meaningful conversations that we have had.

Thank you again for participating in our DVAM Challenge. We hope that you’ll continue to participate.

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Comment by Nik
2012-10-15 00:00:25

My daughters and I have been victims of domestic violence and Our county advocatehelped me get away and she truly saved mine and my daughters lives..

Unfortunately, after moving to Cuyahoga County we had no protection; and my abusive ex’s control and manipulation of me and my daughters has recently caused them to go into  foster care.. 

My Ex had felony violations of a tpo and spent every moment of the past 10 years trying to manipulate and control our lives. I was always terrified to fight him or tell him “no” until jan 2011. 
He asked me to sign a paper claiming he paid his child support arrears so he could take his new pregnant girlfriend out of the country..  He was 20k in arrears.

I never wanted to be on his bad side, but I couldn’t trust he would ever really pay and I had to refuse to sign…
Then his threats began and during his visitation with the girls the abuse towards my oldest daughter with high functioning Autism went physical and out of my control.

I was engaged and working on establishing a solid base to protect the girls as the threats from him and abuse to my daughter got worse. 

On May 1st, 2011; I was kidnapped from a gas station and raped for over 14 hours.. 

Only a sick man like my ex,would take advantage of my assault because he was already over 20k in arrears and found it opportunity to file for Ex-parte custody to get CSEA off his back. 

I lost my Fiancé, my daughters, my home, my pets and I was terrified to go back to my home because the men who assaulted me knew where I lived.
Because he sent papers to the address I no longer resided.. He gained custody of the girls by claiming I was a “crackhead”; even though several Geauga hair test proved negative. 
Judge has stated he doesn’t believe I was raped: because I didn’t file a police report. I did go immediately to fairview hospital after that horrible crap.
Matt’s abuse has torn my family and severely harmed my daughters; but for some reason the judge doesn’t like me my CASA worker.. she will also agree.
I have been broken slowly from this abuse and control and with last minute court dates and JFS demands I can barely apply for jobs let alone have one. I am homeless and jobless and he is almost 40k in arrears; my children shouldn’t be punished because of a genius deadbeat that spends thousands on vacations, dating  young girls , and his boats. Im asking for help or direction because I promise you my 9 10 tear old daughters need me do bad and EVERYONE thinks Kayla is just “bad” but won’t acknowledge her aspergers or the abuse she had suffered. I have NEVER even left my girls with a babysitter… They are my reason for life and I’m scared fir them and for me! Please help!

Thank you for your time, 

Comment by HotlineAdmin_RE
2012-10-18 22:49:22

Thank you for sharing your story with our blog community. I went ahead and removed the identifying information from your post for safety reasons.

You have been through a lot. It sounds like your abuser has really been able to use the court system to continue being abusive to you, even though you are away from them. This situation sounds like it’s very complicated, and that there are a couple of different issues you’re facing. If you’d like to speak to someone about it, you are welcome to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. We are anonymous and confidential, and an advocate here could try and see if there are resources available for help in your area.


Comment by Renee
2012-10-15 04:23:59

I feel empty. My eyes are watery and red and my heart aches
I feel beaten and belittled by words
Bruised and battered
My heart weeps and my soul aches
The one who is supposed to love me unconditionally has betrayed my soul
Im worthless and aloof it seems
Anything I do isnt good enough..anything I say isnt good enough
Why am I even here?

I’ve been going through being manipulated and controlled and.abused for almost 11 years.
I.have nobody to talk to. I have two children. Im isolated from my family.
I’m 2000 miles from anyone I’m related to and can’t ask for help.
I’m at my breaking point. I cry but at the same time can’t feel.

I dont know what to do.

Comment by arundhathi
2012-10-16 02:34:52

please see a good marriage counsellor and find an excellent attorney. you can ask friends and coworkers or the local domestic violence unit for referrals

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