PRRB Review

Decision #
Case #
Provider #
1. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to complete all cost reporting forms in conformity with current regulations and instructions was proper.; 2. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to correct all math and flow-through errors arising on revision of the cost report was proper.; 3. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to the amortization of start-up costs applicable to the 1998 cost reporting period was proper.; 4. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to unsupported/unliquidated expenses related to accounting and consulting services, legal fees, computer billing expenses, housekeeping costs and accrued A&G costs was proper.; 5. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment reclassifying costs associated with medical and professional services was proper.; 6. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to expenses associated with the Chicago Community Education Program was proper.; 7. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to food costs from Sam's Club was proper.; 8. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to unsupported interest and banking charges, contract labor, psychiatrist's services, professional services - group therapy and catering expenses was proper.; 9. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to rent expense was proper.; 10. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to depreciation expense was proper.; 11. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment reclassifying telephone and wire service expenses to the Administrative and General (A&G) cost center was proper.; 12. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment reclassifying security and maintenance expenses to the Plant Operations cost center was proper.; 13. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment incorporating Medicare charges per the Provider Statistical and Reimbursement Report (PS&R) dated 2/29/00 was proper.; 14. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to reflect gross salaries statistics on Worksheet B-1 was proper.; 15. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to the square footage statistics was proper.; 16. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to reflect the settlement data shown on the PS&R dated 2/29/00 was proper.; 17. Whether the Intermediary's adjustment to bad debts was proper.
Case Name
East Lake Community Health Center, Chicago IL
Decision Date
Fiscal Year End