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"Did you know...?"

Anti-Freeze   Did you know... that anti-freeze works by changing the temperature at which the water in your car radiator boils and freezes? Car owners should be careful that anti-freeze does not leak from their car. Anti-freeze is a neon-greenish color, and it smells and tastes like sugar water. Animals are drawn to it, and they will die if they eat even just a small amount because it is very poisonous.
Bacteria   Did you know... that some bacteria are also pesticides? The bacteria Bacillus popilliae causes milky spore disease. "Milky Spore" is a selective insecticide. Selective because it kills only certain types of beetles. These are Japanese beetles, Oriental beetles, Rose chafers and certain May and June beetles.
Bacteriostat   Did you know... that some common household items such as sponges and cutting boards contain bacteriostats? Even some plastic toys for small children contain bacteriostats. Bacteriostats are pesticides that make it hard for bacteria to grow. They help to cut down on the spread of bacteria that may be harmful from one object to another. Bacteriostats belong to a class of pesticides called antimicrobial pesticides.
Chemical   Did you know... that elements (like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc.) bond together to make a chemical? (one "unit" is called a molecule). At present there are 110 named elements, but there are thousands and thousands of chemicals.
Detergent   Did you know... that detergents make water "wetter?" A detergent is made up of large molecules with one end that is attracted to "oily" substances and the other end attracted to water. This structure breaks the "surface tension" which can be thought of as the top layer of water or the skin. The detergent molecules will surround the dirt and keep it suspended in the water as it flows down the drain.
Disinfectant   Do you know... which room of your house is the most likely place to find lots of bacteria? It's the kitchen. Why? Because of all the bacteria that can grow on things like wet sponges, food drippings, drink spills, dish towels and on cutting boards or surfaces. That's why many kitchen cleaners contain disinfectants. Bacteria may also be spread from one food to another. Bacteria from raw meats, for example, may be spread from your hands, knives or cutting boards that come in contact with the raw meats and are then used to prepare other foods. You can prevent spreading bacteria by washing these items in hot soapy water after each use.
Insecticide   Do you know... the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this word as "an agent that destroys insects." It was included into the International Scientific Vocabulary in 1865. So where did this word come from? The use of the english word "insect" was recorded in 1601. It comes from the Latin insectum, from neuter of insectus, past participle of insecare to cut into. The other part of the word "cide" comes from Middle French, from Latin -cida, from caedere to cut, kill. Even words and their definitions have histories.

Factoid:There are over 2 thousand insecticide products registered for outdoor residential use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs. But over 4 thousand insecticide products are registered for indoor residential use.
Ladybugs   Did you know... that ladybugs are considered "beneficial insects"? They are called beneficial because they eat other insects that destroy plants like aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and mites. Other"‘beneficial insects" include spiders, centipedes dragon flies and ground beetles. You can even buy these insects through some gardening catalogs!
Paint   Did you know... you can make your own paint? You can use crushed chalk as the "pigment" (the colored part) and glue as the "vehicle" (the liquid part). Please make sure you use a non-toxic glue.
Pyrethrum   Did you know... that certain types of flowers contain a natural insecticide? Insecticides called pyrethrums are made from the flower plant Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. This plant is also called daisy flowers. It was first discovered because of its use by African tribal peoples to control insect pests. Man-made or synthetic insecticides called pyrethroids control insects in a way much like the natural pyrethrum insecticides do.
Synthetic   Did you know... that chemicals that are not produced by life or in a natural process like weathering, are called synthetic. Synthetic usually means man-made. There are tens of thousands of man-made chemicals. Over 1,000 new ones are created each year.
Toxic   Did you know... that toxics can be natural or man-made? If the substance is man-made, it's referred to as a toxicant but if it's natural, it's called a toxin.


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