
Frequently Asked Questions

18. What kind of meal plan should a person with diabetes follow?

A registered dietitian can work with you to develop a healthy eating plan. He or she can help you design a meal plan that takes into consideration various factors including your weight and daily physical activity, blood glucose levels, and medications. If you are overweight, a plan to help you achieve a weight that is right for you will help control your blood glucose. Your dietitian can help you plan meals to include foods that you and your family like to eat and that are good for you.

People with diabetes don't need to buy or prepare special foods. The foods that are best for someone with diabetes are excellent choices for everyone: foods that are low in fat, salt and sugar, and high in fiber, such as beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods help you reach and stay at a weight that's good for your body, keep your blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol in a desirable range, and prevent or delay heart and blood vessel disease.