About GSA SmartPay

The GSA SmartPay program, established in 1998, is the largest charge card program in the world serving more than 350 federal agencies, organizations, and Native American tribal governments.  In FY10, approximately 98.9M transactions were made and $30.2B were charged using the GSA SmartPay charge cards, creating $325.9M in refunds.

GSA SmartPay Program Benefits include:

  • Administrative cost savings – The estimated administrative savings for the purchase card alone is $1.7 billion per year ($70 per transaction) when used in place of a written purchase order.
  • Identification for discount programs – Travel cards provide access to the City Pair program
  • Agency refunds – Charge cards generate performance-based refunds for agencies.
  • Others – Charge cards provide other less tangible benefits, including detailed transaction data, improved ability to monitor transaction details, travel insurance, tax recovery, as well as to eliminate the need for imprest funds or petty cash at the agency.


GSA SmartPay Training Forum

The 15th Annual GSA SmartPay Training Forum:  Mark your calendar for the 15th Annual GSA SmartPay Training Forum in Chicago, IL from August 6-8, 2013! Whether you are brand-new to the program or a seasoned professional, this is the place to learn about anything related to GSA SmartPay, from the latest advancements to best practices.  Additional forum information will be provided on our GSA SmartPay training website,www.gsasmartpaytraining.org

Date: August 6 - 8, 2013
Location: Chicago, IL


The GSA SmartPay® program provides charge cards to agencies/departments throughout the U.S. government, as well as tribal governments, through master contracts that are negotiated with major national banks.

SmartPay® Charge Cards are for Official U.S. Government usage only.


T: 703.605.2808 | Email Support: gsa_smartpay@gsa.gov
This is an official U.S. Government Web site managed by the GSA.