

A panel of judges

A panel of judges

Judging Criteria

Employs at least 1 of the “5 Ways to Step Up to the Challenge”

Does your effort fall into at at least 1 of the “5 Ways to Step Up to the Challenge”? (Cutting Red Tape, Capitalizing on technology, Creating opportunities to sign up, Focusing on retention, Forging partnerships)

Targets and Reaches Your Audience

Have you defined your target audience and is your activity or approach designed to reach that audience?

Is Creative with respect to Messaging , Strategy or Approach

Is your effort creative or innovative in a way that enhances its effectiveness? In the way it uses resources available in the community? In the way it builds capacity? In the way it integrates with aspects of the day-to-day routines of the community?

Can be transferable and/or replicable in other communities and other settings

How easy is it for others to take your approach and implement it in their community? (Remember that imitation is the finest form of flattery!)

Can Describe Outcomes

How will you track results? And how are you taking these results to improve your process over time?