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Contacts and Resources

Help with the GSA Schedules program is available through numerous resources for ordering activities and contractors through the GSA acquisition centers. GSA’s National Customer Service Center offers a Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) Helpdesk to answer questions about Schedules – its contact information is found at right.

Contacts for Customers

Customer Service Directors (CSDs): CSDs provide assistance, resolve problems and answer questions from GSA contractors and ordering activities. CSDs are an excellent source for questions about procuring with GSA Schedules. Find a local contact by selecting from the map.

Schedule orders: For questions about particular Schedules, ordering activities can contact their agency contracting officer or GSA Schedule contracting officer. Name and contact information for the Schedule contracting officer can be found on GSA eLibrary.

GSA Advantage! orders: For problems or discrepancies with orders placed through GSA Advantage!, customers can contact:

GSA Advantage!
(877) 472-3777

For Vendors
Along with the Schedules Helpdesk (found at right), can contact the Vendor Support Center:

Vendor Support Center
Phone: (877) 495-4849

GSA Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO): Current contractors can contact their ACO, who offers support with the Schedules process. The ACO Locator tool at the Vendor Support Center can be used to determine a contractor’s assigned ACO.

Small Businesses: Two organizations are available to help small businesses succeed:

Acquisition Centers
GSA acquisition centers and industry-specific offices, located across the country, oversee broad categories of Schedules. Ordering activities and GSA contractors can contact these centers for assistance with Schedules.


MAS Helpdesk (National Customer Service Center)
(800) 488-3111

help, question, advice, assistance, answer, customer service, phone, email, acquisition center