National Recovery Month

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Voices for Recovery


Across the country, people in recovery are celebrating their successes and sharing them with others in an effort to educate the public about treatment, how it works, for whom, and why. Because these successes often go unnoticed by the broader population, Voices for Recovery provides a vehicle for people to share their recovery stories.


Years: 2012   2011   2010   2009   2008

In 2011, 65 voices were posted for Recovery Month

Scott Jones - Submitted 12/16/2011

Scott Jones, a Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY attendee, discusses how recovery has changed his life and saved his family. The 9th Annual Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY was held at Roger Williams National Memorial Park in Providence, Rhode Island on September 10, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: event, video, recovery

Wayne Van Wagner - Submitted 12/16/2011

Wayne Van Wagner, a Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY attendee, has been in recovery for seven and a half years. He discusses the need for awareness about addiction and that those in recovery can become productive members of society. The 9th Annual Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY was held at Roger Williams National Memorial Park in Providence, Rhode Island on September 10, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: recovery, adiction, video, event

Kelli Athas - Submitted 12/15/2011
Recovery is a journey not a destination. The insanity and chaos that is imbued in addiction toys with emotions, and feelings become erratic and unpredictable. This is one of the reasons it is vitally important to seek an objective point of view from someone who’s been in an addict's shoes, in their skin, someone you trust to give you and your family hope and guidance.
Keywords: family, addiction, health, recovery, treatment, alcohol, drug, drugs, substance abuse, support

Danielle Sylvestre - Submitted 12/6/2011

Danielle Sylvestre, a Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY attendee, explains how recovery has helped her to graduate from college, beat cancer, and help other women in recovery. The 9th Annual Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY was held at Roger Williams National Memorial Park in Providence, Rhode Island on September 10, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: video, event, recovery

Paul Petit - Submitted 12/3/2011

Paul Petit, a Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY attendee, has been in recovery for more than seven years. He discusses how his life has done a 180-degree turn for the better with the help of 12-step programs and the recovery community. The 9th Annual Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY was held at Roger Williams National Memorial Park in Providence, Rhode Island on September 10, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: video, event, recovery, community

Carol Burk - Submitted 12/2/2011

Carol Burk, a PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2011 attendee, has been in recovery for nine and a half years. She discusses how the self-help group Women for Sobriety helped her become sober and break the chain in her family. Carol explains how her recovery journey has helped her discover more about herself and the world. The PRO-ACT Recovery Walks! 2011 was held at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 24, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: sobriety, family, recovery, video, event

Sully D - Submitted 11/29/2011

Sully D, a Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY attendee, discusses his journey in recovery and how recovery saved his life. The 9th Annual Rhode Island RALLY 4 RECOVERY was held at Roger Williams National Memorial Park in Providence, Rhode Island on September 10, 2011 in celebration of National Recovery Month.

Keywords: video, event, recovery

Priscilla James - Submitted 11/22/2011
You don’t have to fit in to be popular and I am unique for a reason. We all have a plan and purpose and I’m just glad I’m able to help others and reach out to them especially because I know how it feels to not have anyone to go to. This is my story and I consider myself a miracle, more than just a hero. Now my life is starting its new chapter of happiness.
Keywords: family, trauma, alcohol, drinking, drinking problem, drug, drugs, addiction, hospital, faith, higher power, depression, mental health condition, mental illness, mental disorder, recovery

Judy Itoh - Submitted 11/21/2011
I have spent most of my life doing some form of medical research or another. It all started when I was 12 years old. I had SEVERE anorexia nervosa.
Keywords: mental illness, mental disorder, mental health condition, family, treatment, faith, trauma, friends, support

Roxanne Fredd - Submitted 10/31/2011
Based on my eleven years clean and sober, I share my personal interpretation of a deadly illness known as addiction. My degree on the disease of addiction came from knowledge acquired through pain and growth through life.
Keywords: sobriety, addiction, drug, drugs, alcohol, treatment, higher power, faith, family, recovery, prison, legal, jail

Yolanda Shanks - Submitted 10/6/2011
I am so very happy to be alive today! Each morning I awake with a fresh anticipation of the new opportunities available unto me!
Keywords: depression, mental health condition, mental illness, mental disorder, support

Tracey Price - Submitted 9/26/2011
To anyone that is like I was, and wants to quit but didn't think it was possible, I can tell you honestly, anything is possible if you put your faith in God. There are no words to describe how wonderful it feels to be totally FREE at last! Thanks to my higher power, 12 step meetings and to the people God put in my life I am FREE.
Keywords: drinking, drug, drugs, drug problem, substance abuse, addiction, alcohol, faith, higher power

Gene Scates - Submitted 9/26/2011
Today I have 103 days without a drug or drink and it is all because my higher power gives me the strength each day. Don’t tell God how big your mountain is, tell your mountain how big your God is.
Keywords: drinking, drug, drugs, depression, higher power, faith, recovery

Tammie Hurt - Submitted 9/26/2011
A counselor brought the message of recovery to me in June of 1989. I have been blessed with twenty two years of continued sobriety and have witnessed many miracles along the way. I am proof that family treatment works.
Keywords: recovery, sobriety, treatment, family, faith, higher power

Kait Schneider - Submitted 9/26/2011
We all feel really low sometimes especially with having a mental illness and it’s not easy, but sometimes you just have to learn to breathe, love, and live in the moment. Talk to someone. Be open, honest, and be able to ask for help and verbalize what you need. No one can guess what you need or how you may be feeling. Keep communication open at all times. We all have a beautiful purpose in this world even if you don’t believe it or see it at this time. It will come.
Keywords: depression, mental health condition, mental illness, depression, hospital, family, treatment, medication, prescription drug, prescription drug problem, recovery

Katherine F.H. Heart - Submitted 9/15/2011
My recovery journey began 40 years ago. Along the way I have constantly challenged myself to expand my mental health recovery, and in the past four years finally found my own path to optimal physical and mental health.
Keywords: recovery, mental health condition, health, trauma, support, family, employment, hospital, medication, spirituality, treatment, wellness, employment

Jonnie - Submitted 9/9/2011
My daughter found recovery on her own after 8 years of using. She has found great friends, a sponsor, and a fellowship that supports her as she does service to support them. Today we share in Recovery Month, love for programs which have saved our lives.
Keywords: family, addiction, drug, drugs, support, friends, sobriety, health, wellness

Steven - Submitted 9/9/2011
I know firsthand that recovery is possible. I know this because I have experienced a struggle, then a recovery, and finally success.
Keywords: recovery, mental illness, mental disorder, mental health condition, treatment, family, employment, friends

Ricky Parker - Submitted 9/9/2011
Life is good now, I'm working helping others. I'm confident I can deal with whatever is ahead with my emotions, not drug induced emotions. I'm grateful for all those that were patient, tolerant, and loved me until I could love myself.
Keywords: addiction, mental health condition, mental illness, mental disorder, co-occurring

Sue Eller - Submitted 8/26/2011
If anyone had told me eight years ago that I would be leading the life I am leading I never would have believed them. All of a sudden at my age I realize I have a future and every day I look forward to getting up knowing that I have another chance to make a difference in someone else's life.
Keywords: mental illness, mental disorder, depression, medication, support, employment, recovery

Whitney O'Neill - Submitted 8/15/2011
My life truly began in June 2005, when I finally broke through to the side of recovery. I had no idea recovery would give me the life that I couldn't even conceive for myself. In recovery, I gained back my physical strength, mental capacity, and spiritual well-being.
Keywords: recovery, health, wellness, spirituality, addiction, homeless, treatment, family, jail, alcohol, drug, sobriety

Walter Ginter - Submitted 8/15/2011
I am now 61 years old and still ride the train to New York. Only now it is to the South Bronx, where I teach methadone patients that recovery assisted by medication is just as valid as any other pathway to recovery, with the intention of preserving their health and wellness.
Keywords: medication, drug, drugs, drug addiction, substance abuse, treatment, addiction, prescription drug, recovery, sobriety, recovery, health, wellness

Tracey Lee - Submitted 8/15/2011
Today, I have my master's in public administration and I serve on the board of a recovery community support organization. I am currently a supervisor working in social services and just purchased my first home. Embracing all of my activities, work, and play is a profound sense of spirit and unwavering faith.
Keywords: substance abuse, recovery, drug, drugs, drug addiction, addiction, depression, homeless, hospital, treatment, family, faith

Timothy Howard - Submitted 8/15/2011
As a result of a drug treatment program, I began my recovery on April 4, 1990. On that day, I realized a higher power might have a better plan for me if I was willing to surrender long enough.
Keywords: treatment, drug, drugs, higher power, faith, recovery, alcohol, jail, family, employment

Thomas McKnight - Submitted 8/15/2011
Recovery is possible; it can be done. It is one day at a time. Think of staying sober today; don't worry about next week, or even tomorrow. Today is now and tomorrow is promised to no one.
Keywords: recovery, family, alcohol, alcohol problem, drinking, drinking problem, employment, recovery, sobriety

Stephen Dickerson - Submitted 8/15/2011
I have a wonderful wife, two terrific kids, a sense of direction, and a positive attitude that I might have taken for granted otherwise. I work daily to bring hopes and dreams to at-risk youth. Through my experience, I can offer hope to otherwise hopeless situations.
Keywords: recovery, drug, drugs, treatment, substance abuse, drug addiction, drug problem, family

Rob Jasperson - Submitted 8/15/2011
My greatest and most humbling contribution was to anonymously donate a kidney in 2005. I was also chosen in 2010 to be A&E's Oregon Delegate for Faces and Voices of Recovery in celebration of Recovery Month. Recovery is a second chance at life and has shown me that there are no limitations to giving to our community and leading the best life we possibly can.
Keywords: recovery, treatment, alcohol, alcohol problem, addiction, family, friends, sobriety, employment, wellness, health, community

Rick Dyer - Submitted 8/15/2011
Recovery has brought me a level of satisfaction and accomplishment I never dreamed was possible while using alcohol and drugs. Most importantly, recovery has shown me how to give back and to love: my community, my family, and most importantly, myself. Recovery works.
Keywords: alcohol, drug, drugs, homeless, jail, prison, legal, community, recovery, employment, wellness

Patrice Pooler - Submitted 8/15/2011
I know today that happiness is an inside job. Thanks to recovery, I have gained the courage to heal and to learn that healing comes from feeling. The very thing I had avoided was exactly what I needed to cope with life, one day at a time, without the use alcohol or drugs.
Keywords: sobriety, recovery, substance abuse, alcohol, drug, drugs, alcoholic, alcoholism, family

Pam Scott - Submitted 8/15/2011
I came to recovery a very broken woman: homeless and hopeless. I had squandered everything and hurt everyone who mattered to me, and my health was poor. I finally found a long-term program that met my needs and had an emphasis on giving back.
Keywords: recovery, homeless, treatment, family, faith, addiction, sobriety

Mary Ann Maikish - Submitted 8/15/2011
My growth during my 22 years of recovery has been a slow process—sometimes painful, sometimes exhilarating, and always wonderful.
Keywords: recovery, substance abuse, family, alcoholic, drug, drugs, drug problem, drug addiction, detox, treatment, sobriety, community

Lynn Tynan - Submitted 8/15/2011
Since I have attained recovery, I have accomplished all of my dreams—something I never would have imagined 26 years ago, when my dependence to alcohol and narcotics had created a hopeless life.
Keywords: recovery, alcohol, drug, drugs, family, legal, jail, prison, higher power, faith, support, peers

Lorie Hammerstrom - Submitted 8/15/2011
Recovery has enabled me to change my life for the better, and living has truly become much more manageable and enjoyable than it used to be.
Keywords: recovery, prescription drug, drinking problem, alcohol, alcohlic, alcoholism, alcohol problem, treatment

Jo Anne Stone - Submitted 8/15/2011
Growing up, I had everything going for me—I was an honor student, cheerleader, athlete, and student council member. But even though my father is dependent on alcohol and I swore I wouldn't follow in his footsteps, I started using alcohol and drugs at age 13. I believed I was different and I could control it.
Keywords: family, alcohol, drug, drugs, employment, homeless, recovery, support, treatment,

Jerry Moe - Submitted 8/15/2011
Recently, a mother brought her 9-year-old son, Phillip, to the children's program where I work. Although she had been clean and sober for 11 years, she wanted Phillip to participate in the program to help him understand their long family history with alcoholism and the recovery lifestyle she wholeheartedly embraced.
Keywords: family, alcoholism, higher power, faith, sobriety, support

Honesty Liller - Submitted 8/15/2011
Today, I am surrounded by recovery, and I love every bit of it. I have been drug-free for almost 4 years. I am a proud wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. Recovery has turned my life around completely, and for that I am truly grateful.
Keywords: drug, drugs, recovery, treatment, recovery, addiction, family, substance abuse

Francisco Torres - Submitted 8/15/2011
I was born in Cuba in 1961 to a poor family in a poor town, mistreated because of my economic status. Discrimination, loneliness, sadness, and fear led me to a substance use disorder, but today I'm sober and have been working in the field of recovery.
Keywords: sobriety, substance abuse, addiction, higher power, faith, treatment, recovery

Chaplain Farris Robertson - Submitted 7/29/2011
I am simply grateful for the opportunity to serve a world in desperate need of sanity and sobriety.
Keywords: recovery, jail, recovery, sobriety, employment

Don Rothschild - Submitted 7/29/2011
Today, my wife and I are happily remarried. After starting my own business as a recovery consultant, I've found my niche. Life is better today because I can help people sustain recovery, thus giving me strength to continue on my own journey.
Keywords: treatment, drinking problem, drinking, employment, recovery, support, family

Cindy Christy - Submitted 7/28/2011
It's not an exaggeration to say that I know hundreds of people exactly like me in recovery who are well-respected and able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities. I cherish my relationship with my family and community of friends, something I would have missed out on had it not been for the help I received.
Keywords: drink, drug, recovery, treatment, employment, support, family, community

Brooke Beckham - Submitted 7/28/2011
Through my experience in recovery, I have emerged as a person who is loved, proud, and grateful to have walked down that path, even if it wasn't easy.
Keywords: recovery, drinking, alcohol, drug, drugs, legal, prison, jail, faith, family, sobriety

Betty Currier - Submitted 7/28/2011
My commitment and life purpose will always be to demonstrate the reality of recovery for those affected by substance use and mental disorders and to help change public perceptions and embrace recovery. I'm so very proud to be a face and voice of recovery.
Keywords: recovery, alcohol, drinking, substance use, mental disorder

Anna Sappah - Submitted 7/28/2011
I am a person in long-term recovery from dependence to heroin. Treatment helped me learn how to deal with my feelings and emotions, and to live life without the use of drugs.
Keywords: recovery, drug, drugs, adrug addiction, treatment, substance abuse, family, employment

Andrew Allen - Submitted 7/28/2011
Born on 7/7/77, I grew up thinking I'd be lucky. It wasn't until I got sober that I realized just how lucky I am.
Keywords: sobriety, jail, legal, family, recovery, treatment, employment

Michele - Submitted 7/26/2011
On July 27 I will acknowledge 15 years clean. However, each day is challenging which I am glad that I surround myself with people going through the same things. I need people to lean on. Also, helping others keeps my grounded. All I can say, “My life is normal”. Thank GOD I can rise and I can exhale. I am free from substance abuse!
Keywords: trauma, drug, drugs, drug problem, drug addiction, substance abuse, hospital, detox, treatment, sobriety, family, support, recovery

Becky Wolsk - Submitted 7/13/2011
If you feel like you keep falling, just keep getting up. Anxiety will always accompany us, but it doesn’t have to be excessive. You’ll learn to distrust the scolding voice in your head, instead of doubting your whole self.
Keywords: mental illness, mental disorder, medication, spirituality, recovery, treatment

Gordon Keaton - Submitted 7/8/2011
Twenty-three years have come and gone since the last day I drank or used drugs. God has done great things with my life, 34 years in the military, 31 years as an addictions counselor.
Keywords: drink, drug, drugs, faith, higher power, addiction, military

Suzanne Solat - Submitted 6/16/2011
I will never, ever forget how I started this journey and I will be eternally grateful to everyone that has helped along the way.
Keywords: recovery, alcohol, alcoholism, alcoholic, sobriety, support

Laurie - Submitted 6/13/2011
Twenty-one years have come and gone since the last day I drank or used. They have not always been easy, but I can look at myself every morning in the mirror and be grateful for my sobriety.
Keywords: sobriety, drink alcohol, drug, drugs, substance abuse, recovery, community

Robert Gilmore Sr. - Submitted 5/24/2011
I can leave this with anybody that is trying to understand addiction or mental illness: sometimes you just got to go through the storm; but you always remember the storm is passing through; it might wreck your house, turn your life upside down, but one day it's gone.
Keywords: drug, drugs, alcohol, mental illness, family, drinking problem, drug problem, substance abuse, addiction, military, depression, friends, detox, higher power, faith, treatment, recovery

Dee - Submitted 4/20/2011
When asked what recovery means to me I do not respond by saying that it is about being on medication that helps me stay well, instead I respond that recovery to me is about having a life that has its ups and downs, having independence and empowerment, knowing my limitations, facing them head on and often overcoming them, and having respect for myself as a person.
Keywords: recovery, depression, hospital, family, mental health condition, mental disorder, mental illness, alcohol, medication, alcoholism, alcoholic, employment, recovery, faith, higher power, family, friends

Eric - Submitted 4/8/2011
In denial about my alcohol addiction, I continued to drink for a total of 20 years, until 4 years ago, when I quit. The "Celebrate Recovery" groups in the Treasure Coast region of Florida have been the source of my recovery for the last five years.
Keywords: alcohol, drugs, addiction, recovery, support

William Norris - Submitted 3/29/2011
Today is a very important day for me because it is the anniversary of my 21st year of sobriety. Yes, it is a mind-boggling 21 years without a drop of alcohol entering my body. As I reflect on the events of the past 21 years it is apparent to me that much has changed in me, hopefully, almost all of it for the better.
Keywords: sobriety, alcohol, alcoholism, alcohol problem, family, higher power, faith, friends, support, peers,

Vita - Submitted 3/16/2011
I chose a new way of living and thinking along with meaningful alternatives and have accepted the responsibilities of the choices that I have chosen. I had a desire to be abstinent from substances and return to school. That took a lot of discipline, hard work, and determination. Until I become holistic again and have recovered my mind, body, and spirit I will not be free.
Keywords: higher power, faith, family, substance abuse, trauma, addiction, hospital, jail, prison, support, recovery, sobriety, health, wellness

Meredith - Submitted 3/4/2011
It works, it really does! I didn't think I could live with or without drugs and alcohol, and I have now been sober over 15 years! Working the steps of AA with a sponsor helped me recover from what seemed like a hopeless state of mind and body.
Keywords: drug, drugs, alcohol, sobriety, support, recovery

Allen Conley - Submitted 3/4/2011
I learned early on in AA, although at the time I didn’t believe a word of it, that when the Man upstairs closes one door He will open another. In my case the door that opened, back in 1999, took me to Michigan on a Greyhound bus.
Keywords: employment, homeless, mental illness, substance abuse, faith

Bill Orick - Submitted 3/1/2011
Life is great and I try to do everything I can to express to the people in our communities that recovery works.
Keywords: drug, drugs, drug addiction, addiction, alcohol, alcoholism, legal, court, higher power, jail, recovery, sobriety

Cindy Christy - Submitted 2/23/2011
Today I’m employed, medically insured, I pay taxes, I volunteer, I have a registered automobile with auto insurance, a valid driver’s license and am able to give back to my community. I have a relationship with my family today and a community of friends that I cherish.
Keywords: recovery, drink, drug, employment, recovery, treatment, sobriety, support

Amy - Submitted 2/22/2011
I am here to encourage people to realize that no matter how far down we've been, the possibility of overcoming our challenges is not impossible, though not easy, it can be done. I am not my past. I am not an "addict", I am not "crazy", I am Amy.
Keywords: depression, mental health condition, mental disorder, drug, drug addiction, alcohol, alcohol addiction, faith, higher power, sobriety, employment, recovery

Teresa Schultz - Submitted 2/11/2011
I am now thirteen months sober, but things are different now. The reason is because I had always tried to stop on my own. I never got help, from God or from others. I never completely surrendered to God. I never dealt with my past, and I never loved myself.
Keywords: trauma, family, alcohol, drinking problem, drug, drugs, friend, higher power, faith, sobriety, addiction, recovery, health, wellness

Lois Law - Submitted 2/11/2011
I have been clean and sober for 21 years. I am working with youth with SED and behavioral issues and families and giving back for the quality of life that I do not ever take for granted anymore.
Keywords: alcoholism, alcoholic, sobriety, family, friends, higher power, faith, recovery, support

Linda - Submitted 2/8/2011
My story is not so much about my life in the past, but more about my life in the present and future. My past would not read so differently from any other, and I can do nothing to change the past. My present is unique and I would not be in this situation if I didn’t have my daughter. My future is whatever I chose to make it – bright or dark. It’s all up to me.
Keywords: family, alcoholism, alcoholic, detox, treatment, hospital, health, wellness, alcohol, drinking, alcohol problem, drinking problem

Mary Patricia Proctor - Submitted 2/8/2011
I was in treatment for eight months. I found out a lot about addiction. It doesn’t go away even if you don’t drink or do drugs – it just sort of twists itself into other directions.
Keywords: military, drug, drugs, friends, drug problem, drug addiction, treatment, recovery, family, faith, higher power, peer, support

James - Submitted 2/7/2011
I spend my life now being available to help anyone who needs help in every way that I can. I believe that this is the most rewarding life that anyone can live. It is truly wonderful that my Higher Power has blessed me, with not only two lives in one, but three. Long Live Recovery
Keywords: military, substance abuse, treatment, prison, legal, jail, friends, recovery, addiction, higher power, faith

Jessica Walker - Submitted 1/24/2011
Today is my husbands one year anniversary since he made the choice, on his own, to live a different life. A year since he reclaimed the man we and everyone else who ever loved him knew him to be. It’s been a ride, and a wild one at that. Although I am full of words on this page I truly am speechless. Most of all I am at peace. I am thankful. I am loved. I am loving. I am confident. I am strong.
Keywords: addiction, sobriety, employment, family, support, treatment, prescription drug, prescription drug problem, substance abuse, community

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  • Prevention Works
  • Treatment is Effective
  • People Recover
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