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CB Video

The Children’s Bureau, 1912–2012: A Passionate Commitment. A Legacy of Leadership.

Children’s Bureau leaders and staff—past and present—speak passionately about their commitment to the Bureau’s work and how that passion translates into better outcomes for children, families, and communities. (10:53 minutes)

Press play to view the video (Flash – 88.4 MB). Toggle the captions on or off by clicking on
the caption icon. Closed captioning icon

Children’s Bureau. 1912 a 2012. La Oficina de la Infancia. Un compromiso con pasión. Un legado de liderazgo.

Líderes y empleados presentes y pasados de La Oficina de la Infancia hablan apasionadamente acerca de su compromiso con la Oficina de la Infancia y como esa pasión se refleja en mejores resultados para los niños, para las familias, y para las comunidades. (10:53 minutos)
Mire el video (MOV - 87 MB)

Captioning Options:

Captions are on-screen text versions of the words spoken in the video. They are intended primarily for those who cannot hear audio, but may also be helpful for those who do not have access to audio or may not be fluent in the language.

Windows Media:
Toggle the captions on or off by selecting "Play" from the menu bar, then using the "Lyrics, Captions and Subtitles" setting.
Closed Captions (WMV - 94 MB)

QuickTime: The video can be viewed with or without captions.
No Captions (QuickTime - 74.3 MB)
Open Captioned (QuickTime - 74.3 MB)

Descriptive Video:

Audio descriptions provide additional information about what is visible on the video and allows accessibility to those with visual disabilities.

Flash - 88.4 MB
QuickTime - 74.1 MB

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