Presidential Libraries

Recent Releases at the Presidential Libraries

Over the course of the last year, the Johnson Library released 25,468 pages under the RAC Project on an unclassified CREST system in their research room. The Carter Library CREST system contains over 175,000 pages and is available for research in their research room. The Presidential Materials Staff along with the Supervisory Archivist of the Truman Library processed and returned over 8,000 pages of RAC materials to the Truman Library.

In addition to the RAC Project, the Presidential Libraries have declassified and opened nearly 50,000 pages in 2012 using declassification guidance delegated to the Archivist of the United States and through Mandatory Declassification Review. Some examples of recent openings include:

  • The Eisenhower Presidential Library declassified and opened the Papers of Richard M. Bissell Jr., CIA Special Assistant to the Director of the CIA;
  • The Kennedy Presidential Library opened Presidential recordings of two meetings between President Kennedy and three of the U.S. Senate’s most influential ranking members: Senators Mike Mansfield, Everett Dirksen, and Henry “Scoop” Jackson;
  • The Nixon Presidential Library opened documents relating to the Vietnam War, 1968-1973;
  • The Ford Presidential Library opened intelligence and other reports compiled or distributed by White House Situation Room staff, and President Ford's, Secretary Kissinger's, and National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft's Briefing Books and Cables from their overseas meetings with foreign leaders at the Ford Library.
  • The Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon Presidential Libraries participated with the NDC on special declassification projects for the release of the Pentagon Papers marking the leak to the New York Times and on the Berlin Wall 50th Anniversary Project.
Presidential Libraries >

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