Top 10 Best Practices for Government Websites

What to do:

How to do it:

1. Meet all laws, requirements, policies and directives for Federal public websites.

Federal laws and regulations

Requirements and best practices checklist

2. Document and follow a web governance plan.

Management and governance resources

Governance self-assessment checklist (PDF, 19 KB, 1 page, August 2008)

3. Implement a content strategy.

How to Manage Content

4. Focus on top tasks.

Designing Task-Focused Websites

5. Collaborate across agencies and within your own agency to avoid duplication.

Don't duplicate content

Link to appropriate portals

6. Regularly conduct user testing with actual customers.

Usability and design

7. Use performance metrics (not opinion) to influence design and drive improvements.

Digital metrics for federal agencies

8. Make sure that people can find your most important content using search.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Site Search Basics

9. Engage your customers to create a two-way dialog.

How to Collect Customer Feedback

Social Media and Web 2.0 in Government

Open Government and Citizen Engagement

10. Stay current with the latest research and best practices.

Find a training class



Content Lead: Natalie Davidson
Page Reviewed/Updated: August 29, 2012

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