Recovery Support

Recovery Support
Promoting Recovery
Learn more about involving people in recovery and their families

Partnering with people in recovery from mental and substance use disorders to guide the behavioral health system and promote individual-, program, and system-level approaches that foster health and resilience; increase permanent housing, employment, education, and other necessary supports; and reduce barriers to social inclusion.

Read SAMHSA’s Working Definition of Recovery Updated

What We Are Doing

  • Recovery to Practice answers two questions. What is "recovery" in relation to behavioral illness? And what implications does recovery have for transforming behavioral health practice to become "recovery oriented"?
  • Co-occurring Disorders Mental and substance use conditions often co-occur. In other words, individuals with substance use conditions often have a mental health condition at the same time and vice versa. Visit our site to learn more.
  • Co-occurring Disorders & Homelessness: a vision of systems of care for persons experiencing co-occurring disorders and persons who are homeless.
  • Consumer / Survivor Mental Health Information - SAMHSA sponsors a variety of consumer affairs activities such as scholarships to attend national conferences, meetings to address the needs of consumers/survivors, regional consumer meetings, programs to address discrimination and stigma and other issues related to mental illness, the development and dissemination of educational materials, and much more.
  • Homelessness Resource Center: an interactive community of providers, consumers, policymakers, researchers, and public agencies at federal, state, and local levels.
  • Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness: a state formula grant for people with serious mental illness, including those with co-occurring substance use disorders, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.
  • Resource Center to Promote Acceptance, Dignity, and Social Inclusion - enhances acceptance and social inclusion by ensuring that people with mental health problems can live full, productive lives within communities without fear of prejudice and discrimination.
  • Recovery Month - Recovery Month promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for substance use and mental disorders, celebrates people in recovery, and lauds the contributions of treatment and service providers, and promotes the message that recovery in all its forms is possible.
  • Partners for Recovery - seeks to improve services, systems of care and supports; and provides technical resources to those who deliver services to prevent & treat substance use and mental health conditions.
  • Wellness Initiative - promoting the importance of addressing all parts of a person’s life in hopes of increasing life expectancy for persons with behavioral health problems.
  • Services in Supportive Housing: a grant program to provide intensive services to prevent or reduce chronic homelessness.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Outreach, Access and Recovery for People who are Homeless
  • Voice Awards - recognizing entertainment industry professionals and people in recovery who have given a voice to people with behavioral health problems.


Last updated: 7/6/2012