
The Office of the Americas coordinates HHS policy interactions with Latin America and Caribbean countries. Important priorities include the HHS Global Health Diplomacy Program (GHD) and border health issues.

U.S. - Mexico Border Health

The U.S.-México Border Health Commission (BHC) works to provide international leadership to optimize health and quality of life along the U.S.-México.

Diplomacy Program

The U.S.-México Border Health Commission (BHC) works to provide international leadership to optimize health and quality of life along the U.S.-México.

Latin America

Current initiatives in Latin American and the Caribbean include the U.S.-Brazil Working Group in Public Health (US-Brazil WGPH) and the Haiti Health Facilities Working Group.

See also in this region:

The mission of the United States-México Border Health Commission is to provide international leadership to optimize health and quality of life along the U.S.-México border.

Contact OGA Americas Office

Office of Global Affairs
330 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20201
Phone: (202) 690-6174, (202) 260-0399
Fax: (202) 690-7127

Department of State Country Information