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State Health Access Program

State Health Access program awards grants to States help them expand access to affordable healthcare coverage for people who are uninsured. The State Health Access Program was authorized by the Omnibus Appropriations Act, P.L. 111-8 , signed by the President on March 11, 2009.

States may take a number of approaches, including

  • Three share (employer, State or local government, and the individual) community coverage
  • Reinsurance plans that subsidize a certain share of carrier losses within a certain risk corridor
  • Subsidized high risk insurance pools
  • Health insurance premium assistance
  • State insurance connector authority that develops new, less expensive, portable benefit packages for small employers and part-time and seasonal workers
  • Statewide or automated enrollment systems for public assistance programs
  • Innovative strategies to insure low-income childless adults

Grants are made for one year and may be extended to four additional years, based on the availability of funds. 

Program details (including guidance from most recent funding opportunity)

Each State submits an annual report to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services assessing the State's use of funds and describing progress in meeting project goals. A final report at the end of the grant period includes accomplishments and a plan for future public education about and enrollment in the health care coverage expansion.


Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing ($7,884,801)

Kansas Health Policy Authority ($7,595,046)

Maine Dirigo Health Agency ($6,844,470)

Minnesota State Dept of Human Services ($5,123,389)

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Rural Health and Community Care ($3,220,927)

Nevada Department of Health and Human Services ($3,220,927)

New York State Department of Health/Health Research, Inc. ($5,101,829)

State of Oregon ($13,429,909)

Texas Health & Human Services Commission ($8,052,318)

Virginia State Department of Health ($2,395,564)

State of Washington ($3,232,269)

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources ($5,108,310)

Wisconsin Department of Health Services ($8,294,088)

Technical Assistance Resources

Healthcare Communities Portal go to exit disclaimer (HRSA grantee) is used by organizations across states as a Peer-to-Peer network to share success, request assistance, and provide support at addressing community opportunities and challenges in improving healthcare systems. Organizations can share results and resources to support their quality improvement efforts.

National Academy for State Health Policy go to exit disclaimer

State Health Access Data Assistance Center go to exit disclaimer helps states monitor rates of health insurance coverage and to understand factors associated with uninsurance. Provides policy analysis and technical assistance to states conducting their own health insurance surveys and/or using data from national surveys.

Alliance for Health Reform go to exit disclaimer

Center for Health Policy Research go to exit disclaimer research and publications including analyses of Federal and State health care legislation, laws, policies, and BBA regulations, managed care, and the safety net and underserved populations.

Commonwealth Fund go to exit disclaimer

Employee Benefits Research Institute go to exit disclaimer

Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation go to exit disclaimer news and information on national health issues.

Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured go to exit disclaimer news and information including fact sheets, state facts on health needs and Medicaid financing.

National Academy Press go to exit disclaimer 

National Conference of State Legislators go to exit disclaimer

National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices go to exit disclaimer

State Coverage Initiatives go to exit disclaimer helps states improve the availability and affordability of health insurance coverage through grants, technical assistance, workshops, and information on best practices.

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials go to exit disclaimer

Urban Institute go to exit disclaimer