White House Highlights ANA's Strengthening Families Initiative in Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Report

 The White House’s Promoting Responsible Fatherhood report published in June 2012, highlights the Administration for Native Americans’ Strengthening Families Initiative.  Read below to see the report’s excerpt about the initiative at ANA!

“For example, under the Administration for Native Americans’ Strengthening Families Initiative, the Obama Administration is supporting programs that incorporate culturally relevant strategies to strengthen families and foster child well-being in Native American communities. The Initiative provides fathers with education and activities that will help them overcome barriers to involvement in their children’s lives. In New Mexico, the Initiative has supported fatherhood training and parental involvement activities since 2009, providing more than 1,100 individuals with fatherhood and parenting training. In Washington, the Initiative funds a father-child program that includes access to job training, financial, and health services to increase responsible fatherhood participation in children's lives. In Montana, the Initiative is supporting efforts to increase the number of children raised in environments free of family violence by providing adults with the information and skills they need to create healthy families. And in Hawaii, the Initiative is supporting services for teen fathers and providing healthy relationship training to hundreds of families. This is just a sample of the Administration’s efforts to reach Native American communities. Together, these efforts are impacting tens of tens of thousands of families around the country.”

Click here to access the full report! ANA is featured on page 17.

Note about photo: The photograph is from Indian Child and Family Services of California, an ANA grantee that provided healthy relationships counseling through a Strengthening Families project from 2008 to 2011.