Summaries Across Program Models

The Department of Health and Human Services launched Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) to conduct a thorough and transparent review of the home visiting research literature and provide an assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for home visiting programs models that target families with pregnant women and children from birth to age 5. MORE

At this website you will find…

  • The HomVEE executive summary, which provides a comprehensive overview of review procedures, standards, and results.
  • The program model reports provide a brief program model description, a review of studies, evidence of program model effectiveness, and a summary of findings by outcome domain. These reports also include details about the studies reviewed.
  • Outcome domain reports provide a brief overview of the outcome domain, measurement considerations, evidence of effectiveness for outcomes in the domain, and a summary of findings for the domain by program model. More details on specific outcomes, outcome measures used in the studies, and review procedures are also included.
  • Implementation profiles provide a description of the program model; prerequisites for implementation; training requirements, materials and forms, estimated costs, implementation experiences, and program model contact information.
  • The details on how the review was conducted can be found in the Review Process pages.
  • A study search tool can be used to search all studies located by HomVEE for all of the program models included in the review.

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