# 331; In the Matter of Roaring Fork Valley Physicians I.P.A., Inc., a corporation.

FTC File No. 061 0172

Public Comments

  1. Gorski, Tim (2/10/2010) #546725-00007
  2. Hunter, Samuel (2/4/2010) #546725-00002
  3. Kerchief, Karl (2/6/2010) #546725-00006
  4. Locke, Kelly (3/2/2010) #546725-00012
  5. Maurer, Christiaan (2/26/2010) #546725-00010
  6. Maurer, Christiaan (3/1/2010) #546725-00011
  7. O'Brien, Steven (2/10/2010) #546725-00008
  8. oliver, robert (2/4/2010) #546725-00005
  9. Sharmat, Samuel (2/4/2010) #546725-00003
  10. Smith (2/13/2010) #546725-00009
  11. Snell, Karen (2/4/2010) #546725-00004

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 9, 2010