Are you having a problem registering for Business Services Online?

Sometimes Social Security is unable to verify information about you or your employer. As part of the registration process, Business Services Online will provide you with a screen explaining any additional information we need, and fax instructions, to complete your registration.

Your password expires every 90 days

The Business Services Online certificate asks that you change your password every 90 days. If you go beyond the 90 days, the next time you log in to Business Services Online, we will ask you to type your expired password and create a new password.

Forgot your password - just answer these questions

When you register to use Business Services Online, you provide answers to five "Forgot Password" questions. If you forget your password, Business Services Online will ask you three of the five questions the next time you log in, or you select "Forgot your password?" Just answer the questions on the screen and you'll be able to self-select a new password and gain access to services immediately.

Activation codes for Social Security Number information

When you request access to the Social Security Number Verification Service, or to view Social Security number errors in your wage reports, Social Security mails an Activation Code to your employer as part of the authentication process. Between January and March, it may take longer than 2 weeks to receive an activation code.

Have you requested a second Activation code?

When you request a second activation code before you have received the first one, the system automatically cancels the first activation code. If you are not sure whether the activation code you have is the first or second activation code, we recommend that you try the code you received no more than two times. If it fails twice, do not try a third time. A third failure will suspend the second activation code requested and you will have to request a new activation code a third time. Please wait until you receive the second activation code letter before you try again.

Need help? - Avoid getting a busy signal

To avoid a busy signal, look for the answers to many of your questions at our website, Employer W-2 Filing Instructions and Information website, or see our Employer Wage Reporting Frequently Asked Questions.

If you need to call Social Security with registration or wage reporting questions, December is a better time to call. January and February are when we receive the most calls and we are unable to answer them as quickly as we would like during those months. You can call us at 1-800-772-6270 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.