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Pollster Denies Rush Limbaugh's Claim About Florida

Pollster Denies Rush Limbaugh's Claim About Florida

Ariel Edwards-Levy  10.31.2012
A pollster who predicted Mitt Romney would win Florida said that doesn't mean he's pulling out of the state, despite a claim to the contrary...
New Polls Show Obama's Ohio Edge Holding

New Polls Show Obama's Ohio Edge Holding

Mark Blumenthal  10.31.2012
WASHINGTON -- With less than a week remaining before results are counted, the presidential race remains remarkably close, with President...
Never Mind the Models, Here's Some Data

Never Mind the Models, Here's Some Data

So, at the end of a day when Twitter was alive with the sound of pundits railing against poll averages (well, one poll average or even...
Xbox/YouGov Panel Quantifies Romney's First Debate Victory and Obama's Subsequent Debate Rebound

Xbox/YouGov Panel Quantifies Romney's First Debate Victory and Obama's Subsequent Debate Rebound

What has been the cumulative impact of these changes over the last month? Overall, Romney has improved roughly 2 percentage points with...
Converting a Poll Average to a Forecast

Converting a Poll Average to a Forecast

As we enter the final week of the campaign, an obvious question to ask is how to convert the state-by-state probabilities of an Obama or...
Nebraska Senate Race May Be Competitive

Nebraska Senate Race May Be Competitive

Adam Carlson  10.29.2012
Up until this week, state Sen. Deb Fischer (R) seemed headed to a decisive victory against former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D) in the race for the...
Will Hurricane Sandy Disrupt Presidential Polling?

Will Hurricane Sandy Disrupt Presidential Polling?

Mark Blumenthal  10.29.2012
WASHINGTON -- As Hurricane Sandy headed for the East Coast over the weekend, pollsters found little change in voter preferences in the...
A Look At 2012 Polls: Who's Really Ahead?

A Look At 2012 Polls: Who's Really Ahead?

Mark Blumenthal  10.27.2012
WASHINGTON -- With the campaign between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney entering its final 10 days,...

The Rasmussen Difference

In addition to being the nation's most prolific pollster, Rasmussen gets a lot of attention, especially from conservative media outlets...
Early Voting Mesmerizing

Early Voting Mesmerizing

Everyone wants to know who is winning. There is still ample time for conditions to change, but it will be increasingly difficult to do...
Polling vs. Frankenstorm: How The Weather May Cloud Election Picture

Polling vs. Frankenstorm: How The Weather May Cloud Election Picture

Emily Swanson  10.26.2012
With Hurricane Sandy potentially set to hit wide swaths of the East Coast, Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of the Gallup poll, suggested...
Tortured Sports Metaphor 'Outliers'

Tortured Sports Metaphor 'Outliers'

Jonathan Chait says Romney's momentum talk is a bluff. John Cassidy pokes at the limits of election forecasts. Josh Jordan thinks...
Understanding How Polls Affect Voters

Understanding How Polls Affect Voters

While numerous studies have documented the existence of the bandwagon effect in the political domain, very few have attempted to understand...
National Tracking Polls: A Romney Uptick?

National Tracking Polls: A Romney Uptick?

Mark Blumenthal  10.26.2012
WASHINGTON -- The national tracking polls released on Thursday had a rare moment of apparent convergence, with most showing Republican...