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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

 Who are Recipients?

Recipients are entities that have won Recovery awards. The vast majority fall into one of four categories:

  • State/local governments
  • Universities and other research institutions
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Private companies

When do they report?

Recipients are required by the Recovery Act to report every January 1 - 10, April 1 - 10, July 1 - 10, and October 1 - 10.  The reports cover the status of the awards received in the three months prior to the reporting cycle.

Note: Because of the time needed to implement the Recovery Act after it was signed into law in February 2009, the first period  recipients submitted reports for (February – September 2009) was longer than a calendar quarter. Reporting Quarters and Reporting Cycles: Reporting Cycle beginning April 1st reports on the first reporting cycle, which consists of January, February and March; Reporting Cycle 2 reports on the second reporting cycle, which consists of April, May and June; and so on. There are 4 Reporting periods and 4 reporting cycles per calendar year.  Inside a reporting cycle, activities proceed as follows: Days 1 through 10, recipient reporting; days 11 and 12, recipients review reports; days 13 through 29, agencies review reports; day 30, initial data is posted.

What information do they submit?
Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires all recipients to file reports that include, among other information:

      The total amount of funds received from which federal agency;

  •       The amount of funds spent;
  •        A description of the project; 
  •        The completion status of the project;
  •         The awards to sub-recipients.
  • Screenshot of


Where do they report? is the portal for recipient reporting. After registering, recipients enter/upload the required data and information about their award(s).  After a review period, the data -- without alteration or change--  is pulled into, where it is posted on the 30th day of each reporting month.