American Time Use Survey — Multi-Year Microdata Files

The ATUS multi-year microdata files combine several years of previously-released and publicly-available ATUS microdata. Because changes in time use occur relatively slowly over time, it is possible to combine multiple years of ATUS data; doing so facilitates more detailed analyses about how Americans spend their time.

About the Multi-Year ATUS Microdata Files

This page includes links to the multi-year ATUS microdata files and supporting documentation. Each set of multi-year ATUS microdata files combines multiple years of ATUS data. For example, the 2003-11 ATUS Multi-year Microdata files combine microdata from the 2003 to 2011 ATUS. Researchers can use these multi-year ATUS microdata files to produce their own time-use estimates or do other analyses.

These files do not contain time-use estimates. Tables showing time-use estimates for major activity categories, selected detailed activities, and selected demographic and labor force characteristics are available on the ATUS Web site under the headings News Releases, Charts and Tables.

Multi-Year ATUS Microdata Files


Last Modified Date: August 16, 2012