Opening Night Concert: The Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir

Courtesy of CAMI Music

Join us Saturday, October 6, 2012 for the Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir.

The choir, based in a 14th century monastery in the heart of Moscow, continues the rich tradition of church chants — the uniquely sonorous singing for which Russia has always been famous. In addition to the daily Divine Services, the choir has taken on the mission of researching, arranging and interpreting early Russian music that was banned under the Soviet regime. Its repertoire also includes songs of the 20th century, most notably from the times of both World Wars, drawing on the full spectrum of Russia’s choral tradition.

Check out the concert program (pdf)  for full details.

Please note: The ticket supply for this concert, via Ticketmaster, has been exhausted; however, there are often up to 80 empty seats available for “sold out” concerts at start time. Interested patrons are strongly encouraged to come to the Library by 6:00 p.m. on concert nights to join the standby line for no-show tickets.

See our conncerts page for more information about the exciting 2012-13 season.

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