Departments of Education and Health and Human Services Launch Revitalized

Preventing and responding to cyberbullying is a key concern for many youth and parents. The effects of cyberbullying can be serious and long lasting and can have a farther reach than in-person bullying. StopBullying LogoA comprehensive approach to the issue is critical because many youth who experience or engage in cyberbullying also are involved in in-person forms of bullying. It’s not enough to simply talk about the problem; everyone has a role to play and actions they can take to help stop bullying.

The Departments of Education and Health and Human Services have relaunched to offer concrete steps and tools to use to help address bullying. The site now includes a comprehensive map of all state laws and model policies and details which states specifically include bullying that takes place online or through other technology. It also features easy-to-use tools and resources for community leaders, young people and families, including:

We hope the new site will help you share ideas and start discussions about the role you can play in preventing bullying in your community. Show your support on your own website with our widgets and badges and subscribe to email updates to find out about new content on the site. You also can follow on Twitter or Facebook for more information on how to take action.


Solve the innequation

why do people bully? well it ever stop?


I don't understand why people have to use violence to find the solution of a problem

this is a good article on online for thought for everyone.

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