Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence occurs between two people in a close relationship. Intimate partners may be current or former spouses or dating partners. There are four main types of violence: physical violence, sexual violence, threats of physical and sexual violence, and emotional abuse.

This type of violence is a significant problem in the United States. Each year, about 1500 people die from intimate partner violence. Another 4.8 million women and 2.9 million men are victims of intimate partner-related assaults.

In addition to physical injuries, intimate partner violence can have an emotional impact. Victims may be fearful or anxious. The stress they experience may lead to depression or other mental health problems. Victims may also engage in risky health behaviors.

Intimate partner violence is preventable. Prevention efforts should focus on first-time perpetration and address all levels that influence intimate partner violence – the individual, relationship, community, and society.

Teen dating violence is one form of intimate partner violence that occurs among youth. When a person uses violence against his or her dating partner, it can be part of a larger pattern to try to control the other. Teens are especially vulnerable, due to their youth and inexperience.

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