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Breastfeeding can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. Have you overcome a problem so that you could keep breastfeeding? Share your success story on womenshealth.gov!

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Zjacquilyn from Alaska (United States)
June 7, 2012 2:42 a.m.
I have had a wonderful experience breastfeeding my daughter. The first two weeks don't let me fool you, they were hard, I didn't even get my pump until she was about a week old. I was visiting my mom so I could get some sleep and I went online to read on why I was hurting so much, I would be in tears and I called the nurse and she kept saying it wasn't supposed to hurt. So when I got home I went to the clinic to find out I had Mastitis once I got the antibiotics for that everything else was great. I exclusively breastfed until my hubby said he was jealous of the bond so i started using my pump at night so he could bottle feed her. Then I started making so much milk I started freezing it. I love breastfeeding she is almost 8 months old and we have an amazing bond, it beats buying formula by far ( no offense to any mothers that use it I believe in doing what you think is best for your child)and its very convenient for long road trips and air plane rides.
Taylor from Utah (United States)
May 28, 2012 5:05 p.m.
I didn't have the best expereane with my fist child I thought that I would breastfeed for 12 months but lost my milk at 4 months. He had a hard time latching on, and I went back to work when he was 6 weeks old. I think from the stress of going back to work and him not being an aggressive eater I think that contributed to my milk supply deminishing. I just had my second child 4 months ago and this time around it has been wonderful! She is very aggressive and she caught on quick. I am hoping to be able to breastfeed for at least 8 more months. I am loving the bond we are getting from our feeding time. I am glad I tried breastfeeding again even though it was so hard the first time.
Stacy from Indiana (United States)
May 11, 2012 12:15 p.m.
I was lucky enough to stay home with my son for the first few years and he was breastfed exclusively for four or five months, and then wanted solid food. I mixed pumped milk with baby cereal so he could eat with a spoon. He weaned himself when he was 11 months, and I knew it was very natural for him to do that, but I was so sad! I just told myself that it was better for him to do it because it would have been much harder if I had to tell him "no" at some point! Breastfeeding was one of the best experiences of my life and I am forever grateful that I was able to do it. I feel sad for people that think it is gross and unnatural.
Mandy from Oklahoma (United States)
May 8, 2012 7:05 p.m.
I admit when I found out I was pregnant I had never even held a newborn before. I was thrown to the wolves knowing almost nothing! I wanted to be everything to my baby so I set out to educate myself about nursing and formula. I had heard many horror nursing stories so I was very nervous. I was given a book on breastfeeding by a very dear friend and I read that thing front to back. I learned I was determined to breastfeed. Even the book described it could be difficult but it sounded so great for me and baby! Let me tell you though we had MAJOR issues in the beginning!
Jennifer from California (United States)
May 4, 2012 6:54 p.m.
I have had 5 children and have been so blessed to have successfully nursed all of them. My goal for each of them was until they 1 year old; however, they each so enjoyed solid food that they quit themselves about 10-11 months old. I know at the beginning I had to use lanolin just to help soothe myself, but as I kept at it my body got used to all that drinking. My babies are very healthy today, and very smart, and I believe breast feeding had a lot to do with it. My plea for new mothers is to keep at it. There's nothing quite like laying with your baby skin to skin and them loving you as best as they can, by eating!
Denee from Michigan (United States)
May 1, 2012 9:31 p.m.
I am currently breastfeeding my 4th baby.
He is now 10 months old and although we had a few struggles and bumps in the road, it is amazing!
He still nurses a lot at night so I don't get a full night of sleep,but I just LOVE the closeness and the incredible bond we have.
I am really hoping that we have a very LONG nursing relationship-seeing him so happy and healthy makes me very glad that I've breastfed him!
May 1, 2012 12:52 p.m.
When my daughter was born, she was 5 weeks early and her cord was kinked, so she weighed only 3 lbs 13 oz and had to be in the NICU for 3.5 weeks. I was determined to breastfeed, but she was transferred to a different hospital. I started pumping several hours after she was born, and by the time I got to see her 2 days later took colostrum for her to eat. They had already given her formula but it made her throw up. Since then, she has only had breastmilk. I hired a private lactation consultant as the focus in the NICU was just getting her to bottle feed and off the gravage tube so she could go home. Her mouth was literally too small to latch, so I pumped for the first two months. The third month we used a breast shield, and one day it just happened that the shield fell off, she got impatient waiting for me to put it back and latched on! I've had mastitis twice, a scary split-open nipple, and we shared a case of thrush, but we're still nursing at 8 months.
Amanda from Texas (United States)
April 27, 2012 1:28 p.m.
My mother-in-law kept pressuring me to bottle/formula feed my daughter. She kept discouraging me everytime she saw me breastfeed. She kept saying that "babies don't eat enough from the breast... and my breastmilk is what is making her get so colicy... and it's inappropriate... and I don't make enought milk or that I probably don't make milk anymore." With the support from my family, friends, la leche league leader, lactation consultant and this website I kept breastfeeding. When my mother-in-law saw how well she was doing from her check-ups and the amount of milk I pumped out at work, now she keeps her opinion to herself. I am happy I did not fall into the pressure. Now I am hoping my choice to breastfeed will inspire my husband's sisters to breastfeed too, irregardless of what their mother says.
Andrea from Indonesia
April 25, 2012 10:14 a.m.
I have been 14 months breastfeeding my baby, as a first-time mom, it is a great experience to share with others, especially for all new moms all around the world. Breastfeeding is the best way to say to our babies that we really love our babies. My daugther growing so smart and healthy. Now she is 14 months already, and on her age she can walk and talk a few words. For all mommies: SAY YES TO BREASTFEEDING. Enjoy the wonderful experience of breastfeeding.
Kimberly from Illinois (United States)
April 24, 2012 12:10 a.m.
Im a working mom and I breastfeed and pump. My little girl is almost 9 months now. It is draining but well worth it!
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Content last updated June 7, 2012.

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A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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