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Folletos, hojas informativas y guías de capacitación


Folletos, hojas informativas y guías de capacitación (en inglés y español)

Los CDC brindan folletos, hojas informativas y otros materiales educativos GRATIS.


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CHOICES Curriculum

CHOICES Curriculum―CD Package  

CHOICES: A Program for Women About Choosing Healthy Behaviors is an intervention for nonpregnant women of childbearing age and is designed to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies by addressing risky drinking and ineffective or no use of contraception. The CHOICES Curriculum includes CD-ROMs for each of the following: Facilitator guide, counselor manual, client workbook, and a training DVD with videos demonstrating components of the intervention. These materials are designed for use by professionals trained in behavioral health counseling who will be conducting the CHOICES program. The counselor manual provides background information and guidance on conducting each of the four CHOICES counseling sessions and the client workbook provides materials to be shared with women participating in the program. The facilitator guide is designed for use by trainers providing instruction on how to conduct the intervention and includes presentation slides.


Please download and preview the materials to see if they are appropriate for your purposes before ordering.


Available in English:

Facilitator Guide
Counselor Manual
Client Workbook


FASD Competency-Based curriculum Cover

FASD Competency-Based Curriculum Development Guide for Medical and Allied Health Education and Practice – Book plus CD
This curriculum development guide is designed to improve prevention, identification, and management of FASDs and can be used to develop educational programs and materials in a range of formats based on the needs of learners. Based on seven core competencies, it is intended for use with medical and allied health students and practitioners.

Available in English

Curriculum guide CD

FASD Competency-Based Curriculum Development Guide for Medical and Allied Health Education and Practice – CD only
This curriculum development guide is designed to improve prevention, identification, and management of FASDs and can be used to develop educational programs and materials in a range of formats based on the needs of learners. Based on seven core competencies, it is intended for use with medical and allied health students and practitioners.

Available in English

Reducing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies Report CoverReducing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies: A Report of the National Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect
This report reviews current evidence on prevention strategies to reduce alcohol use and alcohol-exposed pregnancies, provides recommendations on promoting and improving these strategies, and offers future research directions in the field of FASD prevention.

Available in English PDF, Accessible PDF
A Call to Action CoverA Call to Action: Advancing Essential Services and Research on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – A Report of the National Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect
This report highlights recommendations to improve and expand efforts regarding early identification, diagnostic services, and quality research on interventions for individuals with FASDs and their families.

Available in English PDF Accessible PDF
Photo of front of U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Alcohol Use in Pregnancy

Comunicado del Director General de Servicios de Salud de los Estados Unidos sobre el consumo de alcohol durante el embarazo
Esta tarjeta de 5"x8" contiene el comunicado del Director General de Servicios de Salud de Estados Unidos (U.S. Surgeon General) sobre el consumo de alcohol durante el embarazo de un lado y del otro una lista de recursos con información sobre el consumo de alcohol y el embarazo. El Director General de Servicios de Salud advierte a las mujeres que no consuman alcohol si están embarazadas, si piensan quedar embarazadas o si existe alguna posibilidad de quedarlo.

Disponibles en inglés y español

FAS Guidelines Cover PageFAS Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis
These guidelines are intended to assist physicians and allied health professionals in the timely identification, referral, and diagnosis of persons with fetal alcohol syndrome. Before ordering multiple copies, please click here to view the guidelines in order to see if they are appropriate for your audience.
Think Before You Drink Brochure

Think before you drink.
This brochure describes what FAS is and how to prevent it; the brochure targets childbearing-age women with the message to avoid drinking during pregnancy.

Available in English

Piénselo antes de beber.

Piénselo antes de beber.
Este folleto describe el síndrome alcohólico fetal (SAF) y la manera como prevenirlo. El folleto está dirigido a las mujeres en edad de procrear, a quienes trasmite el mensaje de la necesidad de evitar las bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo.

Disponible en español

I never thought I'd get pregnant....let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.

I never thought I’d get pregnant...let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.
This brochure targets African-American women and is intended to raise awareness about the risks of drinking during pregnancy, explain the causes and characteristics of FAS, highlight the risks associated with drinking and having unprotected sex, and identify ways to prevent FAS.

Available in English

I never thought I'd get pregnant....let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.

I never thought I’d get pregnant...let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Available with picture of mom and baby on the front cover (as shown above) or with a picture of a woman holding a glass of wine on the front (the content within is identical to brochure shown above).

Available in English

Wanda never thought she'd get pregnant...let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Poster (17"x22"):  
Wanda never thought she’d get pregnant...let alone have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Available in English

Karen doesn't know she's the time she finds out her baby will already have fetal alcohol syndrome.

Poster (17"x22"): 
Karen doesn’t know she’s pregnant...By the time she finds out, her baby will already have fetal alcohol syndrome.

Available in English 

Alcohol and Pregnancy Fact Sheet

Consumo de alcohol y embarazo
Esta hoja informativa ofrece información general sobre las recomendaciones de no consumir alcohol durante el embarazo. Esta información se puede consultar e imprimir pero no se puede solicitar su envío postal.

Disponibles en inglés  y español 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Fact Sheet

Información general sobre los trastornos del espectro alcohólico fetal
Esta hoja informativa ofrece datos generales sobre los tratarnos del espectro alcohólico fetal. Se puede consultar e imprimir pero no se puede solicitar su envío postal.

Disponibles en inglés  y español 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Fact Sheet

Hoja informativa sobre los trastornos del espectro alcohólico fetal
Esta hoja informativa presenta datos básicos, causas, signos y lo que usted debe hacer si tiene inquietudes.

Disponibles en inglés y español 





  • Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
  • Centro Nacional de Defectos Congénitos y Discapacidades del Desarrollo
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