• Image of rainbow over river, mountains


    National Park & Preserve Alaska

History & Culture

Cultural Resources and Subsistence at Denali
L to R: prehistoric archeology, landscape of the park road and Denali, crampons from museum collection, historic mining structures, and subsistence activity (processing fish harvest)
NPS photos

SUBSISTENCE RESOURCES AND OPPORTUNITIES: The Subsistence program at Denali helps protect the opportunity for qualified local rural residents to continue traditional subsistence activities. The program ensures management of park resources to be consistent with conservation of unimpaired ecosystems and natural and healthy populations of fish and wildlife. Management incorporates traditional ecological knowledge with scientific data and principles. For more information...

CULTURAL RESOURCES: The Cultural Resources program at Denali documents and shares the stories of people and the land, now and in the past, and helps preserve places and objects with special history. People have made their homes on lands now within park boundaries for perhaps as long as 12,000 years.

Prehistoric Archeology
Historic Archeology

People and the Land
Alaska Natives in and near Denali
Early Explorers and Expeditions
Subsistence Activities Today

Park History
Park Administrative History
Denali Park Road
Interviews and Transcripts

Museum Collections

Protecting Cultural Resources
Buildings and Bridges, Cabins and Cairns
Inventories and Condition Assessments
Section 106 and the National Historic Register

Did You Know?

Visibility is an important  component of measuring Denali's air quality

Visibility is an important component of measuring Denali's air quality. Visibility data, such as that from the Wonder Lake camera, supplements chemical data from filter samples. Air here is still clean, but traces of pollution from local, regional and international sources exists on filter samples.