Ariella Camera

Ariella Camera


Professional passionate about Global Health and Sustainable Development.

Boston, MA ·


Since both candidates are trying to convince voters that they respect women, they might start by respecting Candy Crowley

Why don't we insure that the have access to sustainable health care and social services to prevent

What can we do to intervene to make sure young people have opportunities and schools are working

Romney: "have you looked at your pension?" Obama: "Not often, it's not as big as yours."

Pols who talk about ending undocumented workers never talk about consequences -- like much higher food prices, etc.

FACT CHECK: Romney supports policies that would allow employers to deny birth control coverage to employees

Birth control has helped close the gender wage gap. Allows women to invest in careers and education.

Romney wants to separate health care from economic concerns, President Obama understands you can’t.

These are not just issues but issues. We need to have the same opportunities across the board

Q on pay for women. Obama: I signed Lilly Ledbetter act. Talks about lowering college costs for young women.

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