CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Anthem Ad


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Published on Mar 15, 2012 by

This TV ad, from CDC's "Tips From Former Smokers" campaign, features three people who have stomas as a result of their smoking. They provide tips on how to live with this condition.

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Uploader Comments (CDCStreamingHealth)

  • I have to get my mom off this crap I have asthma and it's killing my lungs!

  • We are sorry to hear about your health issues due to secondhand smoke exposure, which is a common trigger for asthma. Quitting smoking is the best thing your mother can do not only for herself, but for others around her. If she would like assistance, let her know that free help is available by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visiting

  • these are people who smoke a lot, right? if you only have like 1-3 cigarettes a day and exercise regularly this is not likely to happen right?

  • There is no safe level of smoking. Each cigarettes damages your lungs, blood vessels, and cells throughout your body. This immediate damage to your body can lead to serious, long-term health problems. Quitting is one of the best things any smoker can do to improve their health.

  • Smoking is no more a poison than drinking liquor. Why do they still sell Liquor in stores? People worry too much about smoking and over look the real important things like a 3 month being ripped apart in crash after a drunk hit them. Women and children being beaten to death by drunks. If your going to pick on one problem lets be fair and pick on the other issues too. Drugs and Gangs in our streets, and Elderly abuse. Been smoking since I was six, I'm old and grey, lets look at Real issues.

  • Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, killing more than 443,000 Americans each year. This equates to a loss of 1,200 people each day to a smoking-related disease. Husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children, friends, and families left behind all suffer the consequences. And for every person who dies from smoking, another 20 suffer from one or more serious smoking-related illnesses.

Top Comments

  • Kids are gonna think smoking is cool now because if you do smoke you'll get to talk like a robot someday.

  • And this is why I'm asking my boyfriend to stop smoking... )':

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