Added: 3 years ago
From: CDCStreamingHealth
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  • You really think a woman like that would drink during pregnancy? Do some research first

  • gosh ppl are so stupid. She is his adopted mother. She is doing all she can to help.

  • Prehaps the kod had a bad day at school

  • Iyal was adopted from Russia when he was an infant. The woman who raised him is NOT HIS BIRTH MOTHER.

    From the NYT article "Wonder Dog" 2/2/2012

    "The Winokurs flew to Russia from their home in Atlanta to adopt Andrey, whom they renamed Iyal, and to adopt an unrelated little girl two days younger, whom they named Morasha."

  • Yes, Iyal was Adopted. There is an article in the New York Times called "Wonder Dog" dated 2/2/2012.

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  • So Cool I lovely

  • Profound disability you caused!

  • How hard is it to stay sober for your baby?

  • No offence but she's trying to make out that it wasn't her fault, and it just "happened", but she drank. Not him. She caused him to be like that.

  • This mother is insane. She's the cause of his FAS and she's acting like he was diagnosed with it by some 'accident' No, it's YOUR fault. You drank alcohol while you were pregnant, and you gave you're own son his disability. I'm not trying to sound harsh, but if she cared, she wouldn't have done it when she knew the consequences.

  • She is not his biological mother. He was adopted from Russia in 1999 at the age of 14 months.

  • derp derp derp

  • I do not think she is the biological mother. She is his mother and she did not want to make that distinction; coming to think of it we are the mothers of all children and we all feel their pain.

  • I find this very odd. I assume she is the birth mother. At no point did she show any guilt........"MY CHILD HAS A DISABILITY"...........yes, caused by you madame. She acts as though this was inflicted upon her child by some freak accident. She must have known alcohol during pregnancy is not recommended. Baffling.....

  • Kids with FASD need sports. It's the best way to work off energy and frustration. If one child has it and the other doesn't, it's important to give both kids time alone with the parent.

    Each kid should have a "special" day when they can do something they like. If necessary, leave the other kid at home with a babysitter. If the babysitter can't handle it, find one who can.

  • I have FASD. It can be hard at times. I have almost average IQ and i am 16 in grade 10. I have trouble in math and English mostly. I do get hyper easy and i cant stay still so school is fun :P I am not a very socailable person i dont have many friends but i have a new one :) I feel pain more. September 9 is FASD awearness day! Help make people aware! :D

  • The reality is that there is nothing we can do about those infants  already born with FAS, but we can prevent future infants born with FAS.

    Project Prevention is a 501(c)3 organization that offers drug addicts and alcoholics a cash incentive of $300 to be responsible and use long term birth control.

  • She's his birth mother, isn't she. What does she think about herself? Doesn't feel she guilty?

  • No, thats the adoptive mother. But you can't say that every birth mother is evil, because some of them are just as sick and damaged as their kids.

  • No, she's not.

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