fetal alcohol syndrome


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Uploaded by on Apr 20, 2009

i did this video for my chemistry class, to give everyone a better understanding on fas.


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  • This video with this music is never going to get the message accross. What people need is to be shocked....not this tippy toe approach for goodness sake. Sadly children with fas do not look cute bless them....They look very ugly and all because the MOTHER put ALCOHOL before her baby!!!!!

  • My cousin is had a child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome just because she was jealous of her cousin how had a baby just a few week earlier. She was getting al the attention so se wanted to have her own baby. On tope of that, she drinks like a fish hammered by noon. So it is no surprise when her child Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

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  • i am 25 i have been touched by this video as i have fas and i still cry every time i would like people to know that drinking wen pregnant is no joke............


  • I don`t agree with you that my comment is ugly. That is your opinion, not mine.

  • I have three adopted children with FAS and they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!.....What's ugly is your comment.

  • I have FASD, ADHD and one my pparents are concerned about is I might have ticks not the type dogs have but the one were ppl twitch alot and can't stop it takes over the body. I blink like 20 times each minute I notice it when I am stressed or sad I want to get something to help anyways I take pills for my fasd which helps my concentration in school I have sleeping pills as I could stay wake for 48 or more and I am only 17 I want to be normal and I try but I'm not I hate my birth mother for drin

  • I have f a s and ADHD and it doesn't help me at school in year 8 I get bullied alot when I say alot I mean ALOT.. I am adopted my mum and dad died so my cousin why me why anyone :(

  • I wasn`t talking about the individual child, ofcourse your nephew is beautiful. My comment was aimed more at the selfish mother that gave birth to your nephew. I honestly do not mean your`s or anyone elses child is actually ugly. It is the mothers really who are the ugly ones in this instance <3

  • Your right about the first part, but then you go on and say children with Fas look very ugly, i think that's pretty narrow minded to be honest and really didn't need to be said. I look after my nephew full time who has FAS, and not being bias because hes mine but i think hes pretty far from fucking ugly.

  • @houben20 I have fas!

  • wow well done. you made a point with it..my gf has FAS and she does have learning difficulties, and everything else.. ADD, ADHD... it's crazy how alcohol can do that..

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