Break The Silence: Stop The violence


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Uploaded by on Aug 7, 2008

It may shock you to know that one out of every eleven teens reports being hit or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past twelve months. But why is that, and how can we change it? In "Break The Silence: Stop the Violence," parents talk with teens about developing healthy, respectful relationships before they start dating.

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  • Abuse might not happen as much if cops and the government did not abuse people over doing nothing wrong. Oh yea, that includes the fbi, cia, cdc, dept of edu, agri, treas, etc. Learn to look at all forms of abuse and admit to it. Oh and if you don't believe me you can easily find videos online of police beating people as a form of abuse.

  • """nationalsuicidepreventionco­m"­""

  • I was pleased to see that for once, a group discussing IPV actually tries to keep it gender neutral instead of pushing all the blame on those with XY genes and portraying the XX genes as victims. Sadly, but predictably, all the images you showed reflected that only the XY does the abusing while only the XX remains a victim - even though the speech is fairly neutral.

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