Introduction to HIV/AIDS


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Uploaded by on Oct 18, 2006

Becky Kuhn, M.D., co-founder of Global Lifeworks, covers critical basic information about HIV and AIDS. HIV is a virus that causes the disease AIDS, which can be fatal. There are treatments but no cure. HIV is spread by contact between body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk) and mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals). It is spread by sexual contact, injection drugs users sharing needles, from mother to child during childbirth or nursing, and (early on during the epidemic) by receiving blood transfusions. You can reduce your risk by abstaining from sex before marriage, being faithful to a single partner and using a condom and/or dental dam if you are sexually active, and by never injecting drugs or by never sharing needles if you do. It can take up to six months after exposure to HIV for a person to test HIV positive; even before they test HIV postive, the infected person can spread the disease to others. A doctor can prescribe antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to prevent HIV from progressing to clinical AIDS. It is critical to take every ARV dose on schedule to avoid developing a resistant strain of HIV. If a person is HIV positive, they still need to practice safer sex to avoid spreading HIV to others and to avoid contracting a different, resistant strain of HIV. This video refutes misinformation from the "Lee Evans HIV Tests" video. This video is freely downloadable from . Disabled accessibility: The transcript for this and many other videos can be downloaded from . Visit and to learn more. [Do you want to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS? Are you fluent in a language other than English? Then volunteer to translate our videos into other languages! Click to to learn how you can help!!! © Copyright 2006-2011 Global Lifeworks. All rights reserved. This work is licensed to be used for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit]


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Uploader Comments (AIDSvideos)

  • Isn't it 3 months for HIV to be shown in the blood rather than 6 months?

  • @slutbucketism: See our vid "The Top Ten Questions About HIV Tests" for details on that.

  • Some people it may show up in faster... There's one guy who was in the porn industry who didn't test positive for like 8 years....

  • @MxYsptzLk: This is Eric; I'm not a doctor. Don't know which case you're referring to, but it's highly unlikely that a person would only be able to get an HIV+ test result for the first time 8 years after they contracted HIV. Even immune-suppressed people test HIV+ within 6 months of infection. I expect that the porn star developed *clinical AIDS* after 8 years, which would be a typical time in the developed world without ARV treatment.

Top Comments

  • @SnickleFritz79: What religion do you consider yourself to be a member of? The Church of Hate I suppose? For my part, I am a Christian. I believe that: (1) we are ALL God's children and God takes no joy when people sicken and die; (2) God wants us to be healthy and whole, not sick; (3) God loves all his children; (4) God hates hate; (5) people like you who spew hatred and vitriol for others have the most to fear from God. I'll pray for you.

  • @CrystalCastles2o11: Moreover, condoms are electrically tested for integrity before being shipped. Bottom line: condoms, used correctly every time, GREATLY reduce the risk of HIV transmission. That fact has been proven beyond any doubt in numerous scientific studies. (C) The rate of HIV transmission between lesbians is extremely low. (D) Being heterosexual with a single partner does not mean you're safe from HIV. If your partner has HIV, you are at risk.

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  • nic work.keep it up.....gr8

  • hi, if a guy rubbed his penis on woman butt...she released fluids...penis didnt go inside the girl anus...but got itchy penis by her fluid ( wet)...would hiv spread? put some coconut oil

  • For people who are positive, PLEASE adhere to your medication regimen. That, eating healthy and being healthy and protecting yourself will ensure you a healthy life. And pay no attention to these negative comments. Just people typing shyt up to attract attention. People on this channel handle this negativity very tastefully. Remember, this does not affect just the gay community but everyone. Protect yourself. Don't play the blame game. Be proactive. And take charge of your health.

  • Very good video!!! I will be sharing it with an 18 years old boy, who is very curious about HIV/AIDS and asked me for video information on it. It is the best educational video material on this topic, I was able to find on the internet!

  • wow she is scary

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