Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food


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Uploaded by on Sep 14, 2009

"Know Your Farmer Know Your Food" is a new USDA initiative to help more Americans understand where their food comes from and how they can support local food economies in their communities.


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  • If you really want local agriculture to thrive, then get out of the way! I don't want to be regulated out of business, I don't want any government subsidies. I can only speak for myself as a local farmer, but I think that the majority of small farmers feel the same way. Change the laws to make it easy for local agriculture to thrive.

  • I think minimizing regulations would help encourage local sustainable agriculture. It not just fruits and vegetables that we can get from farmers markets and local farms; we can also get eggs, milk, milk products and meats but there are a lot of needless regulations that limit opportunity.

    If a business/farm is local it is easy for the consumer to visit and see for himself the quality and care that goes into the food produced.

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  • If Obama's wife say's we can't have potatoes acording to the dinner plate she will not be helping Idaho farmers.

  • My God-Geez how the hell is the Monsanto Vilsack now Secretary of Agriculture/GOV? Geez I thought it was just this state/GOV! thereafter coming on youtube I guess I was right of Obama he needs to quit the terror crap and to knock off patting bad on the back as he did this states crooked Gov. Hey OBAMA I STILL WANT MY OVER 65000. IN LOSSES YOUR PREDITOR GOVERNMENT FRIENDS CAUSED!!!!!!!

  • Yes, I do know my farmer because I belong to a CSA. It's been an interesting experience - I eat more 'seasonally' now (I live in NY State) so no tomatoes when it isn't tomato season. Many seem to think that CSA is a luxe indulgence. Actually mine is reasonably priced and low income shares are offered. Many CSAs take food stamps. Everyone deserves fresh food; the less your food travels, the fresher and much better tasting it is. It's not rocket science.

  • Shame on Senators Roberts, McCain, and Chambliss for opposing this program.

  • Some ideas are:

    - Resources or local communities that help teach people how to grow an urban organic garden on their balcony, indoors, or in their backyards.

    - Educational material on growing seasonal vegetables and other specific topics.

    - An online community or forum to link people together that are all advocating healthy, nutritious, organic and local food systems, and those that are trying to live that lifestyle.

  • It would help if people didn't have the right to hold patents on seeds. This ruins the little one should be allowed to produce self-terminating seeds or sue others for seed use.

  • Can you please direct me to your resources? I would like to learn more about this.

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